
FHIR-compliant settings for form building/rendering. Define language, themes, URL prefixes, redirects, and audit logs. Supports system-wide and override configurations.


The Aidbox Forms implements a FHIR-compliant Configuration resource that enables fine-grained control over form builder and renderer behavior. This resource adheres to CRUD operations via the standard FHIR API endpoints. The Configuration resource schema encompasses parameters such as:

  • User Interface Settings: Default language and theme preferences.

  • Form Builder Configuration: Settings that control the behavior and appearance of the form creation interface.

  • Form Renderer Configuration: Parameters that define how forms are displayed and interacted with by end-users.

  • Navigation and Workflow Controls: Settings for redirects, button visibility, and form state (e.g., read-only mode).

  • Logging and Auditing: Configurations related to event tracking and application identification.

A global Configuration resource can be instantiated to serve as the system-wide default, applying to all Questionnaire resources unless explicitly overridden. The system supports configuration inheritance and overriding. When generating a shared form link, developers can specify a custom Configuration resource reference. This allows for context-specific rendering behavior, ensuring that the form presentation adheres to the designated configuration parameters. This architecture facilitates flexible, hierarchical configuration management, enabling both system-wide defaults and use-case specific customizations within the Aidbox Forms ecosystem.

Configuration Resource Structure

(def SDCConfig
  {:attrs {:name        {:desc "Machine readable config name" :type "string" :isRequired true},
           :description {:desc "Human readable config description" :type "string"},
           :default     {:desc "Set's config as default for system/tenant" :type "boolean"},
           :language    {:desc "Default language for UI" :type "string"},
           :theme       {:desc   "Default theme"
                         :type   "Reference",
                         :refers ["QuestionnaireTheme"]},
           :builder     {:attrs {:form-url-prefix {:desc "URL prefix that used in url generation of new forms"
                                                   :type "url"}
                                 :hide-back-button {:desc "Redirect URI that will be used on form submit/amend button click"
                                                    :type "boolean"}}},
           :form        {:attrs {:redirect-on-submit {:desc "Redirect URI that used on form sign/amend"
                                                      :type "url"},
                                 :redirect-on-save   {:desc "Redirect URI that used on form save/close button"
                                                      :type "url"},
                                 :read-only          {:desc "Should form be read-only"
                                                      :type "boolean"},
                                 :app-name           {:desc "App name that will be mentioned in AuditEvent logs"
                                                      :type "string"}}}}})
  • resourceType: The type of the resource. Must be SDCConfig.

  • id: The unique identifier for the configuration resource.

  • name: The machine-readable name of the configuration resource.

  • description: The human-readable description of the configuration resource.

  • default: A boolean value that specifies whether the configuration is the default for the system or tenant.

  • language: The default language for the UI.

  • theme: A reference to the default theme for the UI.

  • builder: Configuration settings for the form builder.

    • form-url-prefix: The URL prefix used in URL generation for new forms.

    • hide-back-button: A boolean value that specifies whether the back button should be hidden.

  • form: Configuration settings for the form.

    • redirect-on-submit: The redirect URI used when the form is submitted or amended.

    • redirect-on-save: The redirect URI used when the form is saved or closed.

    • read-only: A boolean value that specifies whether the form should be read-only.

    • app-name: The name of the app that will be mentioned in the AuditEvent logs.

Configuration Resource Example

  "resourceType": "SDCConfig",
  "id": "example-config",
  "name": "Example Configuration",
  "description": "An example configuration resource",
  "default": true,
  "language": "en",
  "theme": {
    "id": "example-theme",
    "resourceType": "QuestionnaireTheme"
  "builder": {
    "form-url-prefix": "",
    "hide-back-button": false
  "form": {
    "redirect-on-submit": "",
    "redirect-on-save": "",
    "read-only": false,
    "app-name": "Example App"

Configuration Resource Operations

Create Configuration Resource

To create a configuration resource, send a POST request to the /SDCConfig endpoint with the configuration resource in the request body.

Content-Type: application/json

  "resourceType": "SDCConfig",
  "id": "example-config",
  "name": "Example Configuration",
  "description": "An example configuration resource",
  "default": true,
  "language": "en",
  "theme": {
    "id": "027cf3dd-dca7-4a38-b805-3e76c1886ac7",
    "resourceType": "QuestionnaireTheme"
  "builder": {
    "form-url-prefix": "",
    "hide-back-button": false
  "form": {
    "redirect-on-submit": "",
    "redirect-on-save": "",
    "read-only": false,
    "app-name": "Example App"

Read Configuration Resource

To read a configuration resource, send a GET request to the /SDCConfig/:id endpoint, where :id is the unique identifier of the configuration resource.

GET /SDCConfig/example-config

Update Configuration Resource

To update a configuration resource, send a PUT request to the /SDCConfig/:id endpoint with the updated configuration resource in the request body.

PUT /SDCConfig/example-config
Content-Type: application/json

  "resourceType": "SDCConfig",
  "id": "example-config",
  "name": "Updated Configuration",
  "description": "An updated configuration resource",
  "default": true,
  "language": "en",
  "theme": {
    "id": "027cf3dd-dca7-4a38-b805-3e76c1886ac7",
    "resourceType": "QuestionnaireTheme"
  "builder": {
    "form-url-prefix": "",
    "hide-back-button": false
  "form": {
    "redirect-on-submit": "",
    "redirect-on-save": "",
    "read-only": false,
    "app-name": "Example App"

Delete Configuration Resource

To delete a configuration resource, send a DELETE request to the /SDCConfig/:id endpoint, where :id is the unique identifier of the configuration resource.

DELETE /SDCConfig/example-config

List Configuration Resources

To list all configuration resources, send a GET request to the /SDCConfig endpoint.

GET /SDCConfig

Get Default Configuration Resource

To get the default configuration resource, send a GET request to the /$sdc-config endpoint.

GET /$sdc-config

Last updated