How to: populate forms with data


You should have items with types - that corresponds populate values types.

In all populate items configuration you should use proper item(widget) for populate data

data type

String Input






Integer Input


Decimal Input


Quantity Input








Choice Input


Open Choice Input


Radio Button


Boolean input




Author's Signature




How to populate form with patient demographic data: patient name, DOB, MRN, address, phone

To populate a form we should:

  1. setup a form to be able to get patient's data and prefill form items with it (design time)

  2. provide patient's reference to population operation. (usage time)

Form Setup (design time)

Assume that we already have:

  • form with 5 items(data: patient name, DOB, MRN, address, phone)

  • Patient resource in the Aidbox DB

Patient resource example:

resourceType: Patient
id: example
gender: male
- family: Chalmers
  - Peter
  - James
- city: PleasantVille
  district: Rainbow
  postalCode: '3999'
  text: 534 Erewhon St PeasantVille, Rainbow, Vic  3999
  - 534 Erewhon St
  state: Vic
- use: usual
    - system:
      code: MR
  system: urn:oid:
  value: '12345'
birthDate: '1974-12-25'
- system: phone
  value: (03) 5555 6473

WARN: You should have items with types - that corresponds populate values types. (see WARN section)

We should setup items with populate expressions.

How to find population expression:

  1. select widget in the outline 2 click on populate checkbox in the widget settings panel

  2. in opened section select Expression tab

For this example we will use:

  • %subject parameter, which will contain Patient resource

  • FHIRPath expressions to retrieve data.

%subject parameter will be filled with data in population operation


Patient name + ' ' +

DOB (Date widget)


MRN (Text widget)

%subject.identifier.where(type.coding.system='', type.coding.code='MR').value

address (Text widget)


phone (Text widget)


Populate Parameters (usage time)

To make %subject resource available we should call $populate operation with specific parameters

  • subject = <reference> (reference to patient)

  • local = true (says that we should search for subject in DB and load resource)

Operation call example:

POST /fhir/Questionnaire/<qid>/$populatelink

resourceType: Parameters
- name: subject
    reference: Patient/example
- name: local
  valueBoolean: true

How to populate form with patient weight, height

To populate a form we should:

  1. setup a form to be able to get patient's observations (design time)

  2. provide patient's reference to population operation. (usage time)

Form Setup (design time)

Assume that we have:

  • Form with body weight and body height items

  • Patient in DB

  • Patient's body weight and body height Observations in DB

WARN: You should have items with types - that corresponds populate values types. (see WARN section)

Stored Observations should be linked to a patient and should be coded with right terminology code (LOINC in our example)

LOINC coding for body measurements:

  • Body Height: { system:, code: 8302-2 }

  • Body Weight: { system:, code: 29463-7 }

Observation examples

Body Weight

resourceType: Observation
  reference: Patient/example
status: final
  - code: 29463-7
  unit: kg
  value: 80

Body Height

resourceType: Observation
  reference: Patient/example
status: final
  - code: 8302-2
  unit: cm
  value: 180

We should configure items with Observation based population

  1. Select item in outline

  2. Press include code? section and type corresponding code/system (from Observations)

  3. Enable Populate section (Observation population should be opened by default) and choose period to search for Observations. (For example 1 Month)

Populate parameters (usage time)

To pass Patient's reference we use subject parameter to $populatelink/$populate operation.

Operation call example:

POST /fhir/Questionnaire/<qid>/$populatelink

resourceType: Parameters
- name: subject
    reference: Patient/example

How to populate form with patient allergies

To populate a form with data from allergies we should

  1. setup a form to be able to find allergies for a patient and populate them in a list (design time)

    • Create a group/group table with columns of proper types

    • Set named expression for created group to search for allergies

    • Set columns populate expressions to extract data from found AllergyIntolerance resources

  2. provide Patient reference in input parameters of populate operation (usage time)

Form Setup (design time)

Assume that we already have:

  • Form for Allergies

  • Several AllergyIntolerance resources in DB

AllergyIntolerance resource examples:

Food allergy

resourceType: AllergyIntolerance
id: example
type: allergy
  reference: Patient/pt-1
- food
criticality: high
recordedDate: '2014-10-09T14:58:00+11:00'
onsetDateTime: '2004'
  - system:
    code: active
    display: Active
lastOccurrence: 2012-06
- substance:
    - system:
      code: '1160593'
      display: cashew nut allergenic extract Injectable Product
  - coding:
    - system:
      code: '39579001'
      display: Anaphylactic reaction
  description: Challenge Protocol. Severe reaction to subcutaneous cashew extract. Epinephrine administered
  onset: '2012-06-12'
  severity: severe
  - system:
    code: '227493005'
    display: Cashew nuts

No Known Drug Allergy

resourceType: AllergyIntolerance
id: nkda
  reference: Patient/pt-1
recordedDate: '2015-08-06T15:37:31-06:00'
  - system:
    code: active
    display: Active
  - system:
    code: '409137002'
    display: No Known Drug Allergy (situation)
  text: NKDA

Since there can be several allergies - we should use Group Table (or Group) for them. It will allow us to grow a form with new elements.

Every table row should have next columns:

  • category (text input)

  • allergy code (text item)

  • reaction (Choice input)

  • criticality (Choice input)

WARN: You should have items with types - that corresponds populate values types. (see WARN section)

Reaction and allergy code should be taken from Terminology server, in demo purposes we just set answerOptions with predefined values.

Create a table with columns

  1. Press + Add widget button in the outline

  2. Select Group Table in a opened widget panel.

You will get a group table with 2 items in it.

Now we must setup our inputs

  1. Remove predefined Group table's items

    • hover items with mouse and click on trash icon. (outline)

  2. Create Category column and set answer options Category item FHIR Spec

    • Hover Group Table item in the outline and click on + sign - this will open an items list panel for choosing item.

    • Select Choice Input item type in a items list panel

    • Type it's title = Category in text input of item's settings panel

    • Find Options section in Attributes segment of item's settings panel

    • Fill out options with next value Category item FHIR Spec

      • code = food , display = Food

      • code = medication , display = Medication

      • code = environment , display = Environment

      • code = biologic , display = Biologic

  3. Create Allergy Code column

    • Repeat actions from 2nd step with next values

    • text = Allergy code

    • Options are

      • system =, code = 409137002, display = No Known Drug Allergy (situation)

      • system =, code = 227493005, display = Cashew nuts (in production we should use ValuseSet here, but for demo purposes we just fill our value from existed AllergyIntolerance resource)

  4. Create Reaction column and set answer options

    • Repeat actions from 2nd step with next values

    • text = Reaction

    • Options are:

      • code = 1160593, display = cashew nut allergenic extract Injectable Product (in production we should use ValuseSet here, but for demo purposes we just fill our value from existed AllergyIntolerance resource)

  5. Create Criticality column and set answer options

    • Repeat actions from 2nd step with next values

    • Find Options section in Attributes segment of item's settings panel

    • text = Criticality

    • Options are: Criticality item FHIR Spec

      • code = low , display = Low Risk

      • code = high , display = High Risk

      • code = unable-to-assess , display = Unable to Assess Risk

Set table population expression

At first we should design and debug a FHIR Query to find AllergyIntolerance resources

For searching AllergyIntolerance we need only Patient reference that we get as %subject Input Parameter see Input Parameters section

Complete FHIR Search Query looks like this:

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=pt-1

We should specify form's named expression with this query, but with small modifications:

  • remove http method (GET)

  • replace patient parameter value (= pt-1) with embedded FHIRPath expression {{}}


Embedded FHIRPath expression {{}} consists of:

  • {{}} - FHIRPath expression embedding point

  • %subject - populate input parameter. (all parameters start with % sign)

  • - FHIRPath expression that extracts id from Patient reference

To specify named expression we should:

  1. Click on group table item in the outline panel

  2. Enable Populate section in item's settings panel (Observation population should be opened by default)

  3. Select Expression tab in Populate section.

  4. enter expression name = allergy (we will use expression by name in next section)

  5. set expression language = FHIRQuery

  6. Copy FHIRQuery that we get in last step

Set columns population expressions

For every column we should set populate expression which extracts data from %allergy named expression.

  1. Select column item in the outline

  2. Enable Populate section (Observation population should be opened by default)

  3. Select Expression tab

  4. Enter FHIRPath expression that extracts needed value.

Category (Choice input)

%qitem.answerOption.valueCoding.where(code = %allergy.category.first())

There can be several catigories but for demo purpores we just use first of them

Allergy code (Choice item)


Reaction (Choice input)


There can be several reactoins but for demo purpores we just use first of them

Criticality (Choice input)

%qitem.answerOption.valueCoding.where(code = %allergy.criticality)

Populate parameters (usage time)

To pass Patient's reference we use subject parameter to $populatelink/$populate operation.

Operation call example:

POST /fhir/Questionnaire/<qid>/$populatelink

resourceType: Parameters
- name: subject
    reference: Patient/example

How to populate form with data from another form during the visit

To populate a form with data from another form we should:

  1. setup a form to be able to find another form's response and get information from it (design time)

    • Enable input parameter, that is common for both forms. (Encounter in our case)

    • Set form's named expression with FHIRQuery to search for response in DB

    • Set item's populate expression to extract data from found QuestionnaireResponse

  2. provide Encounter reference in input parameters of populate operation (usage time)

Form Setup (design time)

Assume that we have:

  • 1st Form and it's response with captured data in DB, which will be used as data source

  • 2nd Form, that should be pre-populated

WARN: You should have items with types - that corresponds populate values types. (see WARN section)

We are working only with 2nd form in this demo

Enable input parameter

To use %encounter input parameter - we should enable it.

  1. Click on form's name in the outline panel (top left corner of the Form Builder)

  2. In Populate section of form's settings panel click on Encounter checkbox.

Setup query to find a resource

Response of 1st form should be stored in DB and looks like this:

resourceType: QuestionnaireResponse
status: completed
  reference: Encounter/enc-1
- linkId: patient-name
  text: Patient Name
  - valueString: John Smith

We are interested in following values from it.

  • encounter reference - will be common with our form

  • questionnaire - unique Questionnaire's identifier

  • item's linkId - will be used to extract an answer in following section.

We need to build FHIR Search Query to find this response.

It's better to design and debug query in Aidbox REST Console

Complete FHIR Search Query looks like this:

GET /QuestionnaireResponse?status=completed&questionnaire=|1.0.0&encounter=enc-1

It uses several filter criteria:

  • status = completed - we need only submitted forms

  • questionnaire - canonical URL of response's questionnaire

  • encounter - our common reference, for example enc-1

We should specify form's named expression with this query, but with small modifications:

  • remove http method (GET)

  • replace encounter parameter value (= enc-1) with embedded FHIRPath expression {{}}


Embedded FHIRPath expression {{}} consists of:

  • {{}} - FHIRPath expression embedding point

  • %encounter - populate input parameter. (all parameters start with % sign)

  • - FHIRPath expression that extracts id from Encounter reference

To specify named expression we should:

  1. Click on form's name in the outline panel (top left corner of the Form Builder)

  2. In form's settings panel click button + Add Expression (Named Expressions section).

  3. Select created empty line

  4. enter expression name = response (we will use expression by name in next section)

  5. set expression language = FHIRQuery

  6. Copy FHIRQuery that we get in last step

  7. Click close button in the named expression form

Set item's populate expression

We should use created named expression (%response) to extract a value and fill out our item.

  1. Select the item in outline

  2. Enable Populate section (Observation population should be opened by default)

  3. Select Expression tab

  4. Enter FHIRPath expression that extracts needed value.


Populate parameters (usage time)

To pass Encounter's reference we use context parameter - encounter to $populatelink/$populate operation

Operation call example:

POST /fhir/Questionnaire/<qid>/$populatelink

resourceType: Parameters
- name: context
    - name: name
      valueString: Encounter
    - name: value
        reference: Encounter/enc-1

Last updated

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