
Aidbox automatically logs all auth, API, database, and network events, so in most cases basic audit logs may be derived from Aidbox logs.

In rare cases, Aidbox logs are not enough for auditing. For instance, you'd like to track business-relevant events that happen outside of Aidbox control.

Example. You may use the same patient search operation

GET /Patient?_sort=-lastUpdated&_count=100

to show it on UI and for making reports. And from an audit perspective, you may consider it as different events.

In this case, you may consider two options Aidbox provides.

FHIR AuditEvent

Aidbox provides comprehensive FHIR API for AuditEvent from FHIR Security ecosystem.

Audit Log

Extending Aidbox Logs

Aidbox allows you to enhance logs with your data and push your logs into Aidbox stream along with its internal logs.

Extending Aidbox Logs

Last updated