Pass Inferno tests with Smartbox

This article will guide you through passing ONC Certification (g)(10) Standardized API on Inferno framework.

The article has be reviewed for next Inferno framework v0.3.12 and test suite

  • ONC Certification (g)(10) Standardized API v3.2.0

  • US Core 3.1.1 / USCDI v1, SMART App Launch 1.0.0, Bulk Data 1.0.1


Smartbox must be publicly available from the Internet in order to Inferno could reach Smartbox and run tests.

Once you have your Smartbox instance up and running you need to register a FHIR server by creating Tenant resource and upload necessary resources for Inferno.

  • Patient record with all USCDIv1 data elements in us-core format,

  • User resource, associated with the patient record

  • Client resource for smart launch flows

  • Client resource for bulk api

Create Tenant

PUT /Tenant/my-clinic
Content-Type: text/yaml

name: My Clinic

Prepare fixtures

Demo patient record with all USCDI elements for Inferno test is available on Google Storage and maintained by Health Samurai team. You can upload with /$load endpoint:

POST /$load
Content-Type: text/yaml

source: ''
      id: my-clinic
      resourceType: Tenant

It contains at least two patients test-pt-1 and test-pt-2. Second patient will be required for Multi-Patient API test.

Let's created then User resource for test-pt-1:

POST /User
Content-Type: text/yaml

password: password
  givenName: Amy
  familyName: Shaw
active: true
  id: test-pt-1
  resourceType: Patient
- type: patient
    id: my-clinic
    resourceType: Tenant

Now you can login to My Clinic patient portal with / password.

Create client resources for Inferno

Inferno will act as smart app/bulk client app. Let's register inferno's apps as Client resources in Smartbox.

Content-Type: text/yaml

- id: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app
  resourceType: Client
  type: patient-facing-smart-app
  active: true
  secret: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app-secret
  - authorization_code
      pkce: false
      redirect_uri: ''
      refresh_token: true
      secret_required: true
      access_token_expiration: 300
    launch_uri: ''
- id: inferno-public-patient-smart-app
  resourceType: Client
  type: patient-facing-smart-app
  active: true
  - authorization_code
      pkce: true
      redirect_uri: ''
      refresh_token: true
      secret_required: false
      access_token_expiration: 300
    launch_uri: ''
- id: inferno-my-clinic-bulk-client
  resourceType: Client
  type: bulk-api-client
  active: true
      client_assertion_types: ['urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer']
      access_token_expiration: 300
  scope: [system/*.read]
  - client_credentials
      id: my-clinic
      resourceType: Tenant

Create Inferno test session

Create Inferno test session by following the link

  1. To pass the EHR Practitioner App inferno sequence see the guide How-to perform EHR launch

  2. See How-to revoke granted access to pass the Token Revocation Inferno test

Run all Inferno tests

Press the Run all tests button then provide require parameters for the tests:

  • FHIR Endpoint: [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/patient/smart-api

  • Standalone Client ID: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app

  • Standalone Client Secret: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app-secret

  • EHR Launch Client ID: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app

  • EHR Launch Client Secret: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app-secret

  • Bulk Data FHIR URL: [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/bulk-api

  • Backend Services Token Endpoint: [aidbox-url]/auth/token

  • Bulk Data Client ID: inferno-my-clinic-bulk-client

  • Encryption method RS384

  • Group ID: test-group-1

  • Patient IDs in exported Group: test-pt-1,test-pt-2

  • Public Launch Client ID: inferno-public-patient-smart-app

  • EHR Launch Client ID: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app

  • EHR Launch Client Secret: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app-secret

Once you run all tests, follow Inferno instructions.

Run Inferno tests one by one

1 Standalone Patient App - Full Access

  1. Click the Standalone Patient App link in the left sidebar

  2. Click the Run tests button

  3. Provide require parameters for tests

    • FHIR Endpoint: [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/patient/smart-api

    • Standalone Client ID: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app

    • Standalone Client Secret: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app-secret

  4. Click the Submit button

Once you run tests, follow the Inferno instructions.

2 Standalone Patient App - Limited Access

This test depends on the Standalone Patient App test. Pass the first sequence then continue that one

  1. Click the 2 Limited Access App link in the left sidebar

  2. Click the Run tests button

  3. Click the Submit button

Once you run tests, follow the Inferno instructions.

By default the test expects to not get accees to all the resources but Patient, Condition, Observation.

To pass the test you should:

  1. Uncheck all the resources but those ones on the Consent screen

  2. Keep following checkboxes checked Launch Patient, Open ID, FHIR User and Offline Access

3 EHR Practitioner App

  1. Click the EHR Practitioner App link in the left sidebar

  2. Click the Run tests button

  3. Provide require parameters for tests

    • FHIR Endpoint: [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/patient/smart-api

    • EHR Launch Client ID: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app

    • EHR Launch Client Secret: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app-secret

  4. Click the Submit button

  5. Open the patient portal UI [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/patient/portal

  6. Login to the portal using credentials we created before / password

  7. Find the inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app application

  8. Click the Launch button

Once you perform EHR launch, follow the Inferno instructions.

4 Single Patient API

This test depends on the Standalone Patient App test. Pass the first sequence then continue that one

  1. Click the 4 Single Patient API link in the left sidebar

  2. Click the Run tests button

  3. Click the Submit button

Once you run tests, follow the Inferno instructions.

7 Multi-Patient Authorization and API

  1. Click the 7 Multi-Patient API link in the left sidebar

  2. Click the Run tests button

  3. Provide require parameters for tests

    • Bulk Data FHIR URL: [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/bulk-api

    • Backend Services Token Endpoint: [aidbox-url]/auth/token

    • Bulk Data Client ID: inferno-my-clinic-bulk-client

    • Encryption method RS384

    • Group ID: test-group-1

    • Patient IDs in exported Group: test-pt-1,test-pt-2

  4. Click the Submit button

9.1 Public Client Standalone Launch with OpenID Connect

  1. Click the 9.1 SMART Public Client Launch link in the left sidebar

  2. Click the Run tests button

  3. Provide require parameters for tests

    • Bulk Data FHIR URL: [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/patient/smart-api

    • Public Launch Client ID: inferno-public-patient-smart-app

    • Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE): Enabled

    • OAuth 2.0 Authorize Endpoint: [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/patient/auth/authorize

    • OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint: [aidbox-url]/auth/token

  4. Click the Submit button

9.3 Token Revocation

This test depends on the Standalone Patient App test. Pass the first sequence then continue that one

Before you launch the test you should:

  1. Open the patient portal UI [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/patient/portal

  2. Login to the portal using credentials we created before / password

  3. Find the inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app

  4. Click the Revoke access button

  1. Click the 9.3 Token Revocation link in the left sidebar

  2. Click the Run tests button

  3. Provide require parameters for tests

    • Prior to executing test, Health IT developer demonstrated revoking tokens provided during patient standalone launch.: Yes

    • Keep other parameters unchanged

  4. Wait up to 30 seconds

  5. Click the Submit button

9.4 SMART App Launch Error: Invalid AUD Parameter

  1. Click the 9.4 SMART Invalid AUD Launch link in the left sidebar

  2. Click the Run tests button

  3. Provide require parameters for tests

    • FHIR Endpoint: [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/patient/smart-api

    • Standalone Client ID: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app

    • Standalone Client Secret: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app-secret

    • Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE): Disabled

    • OAuth 2.0 Authorize Endpoint: [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/patient/auth/authorize

  4. Click the Submit button

  5. Click the Perform Invalid Launch link

9.5 SMART App Launch Error: Invalid Access Token Request

  1. Click the 9.5 SMART Invalid Token Request link in the left sidebar

  2. Click the Run tests button

  3. Provide require parameters for tests

    • FHIR Endpoint: [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/patient/smart-api

    • Standalone Client ID: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app

    • Standalone Client Secret: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app-secret

    • OAuth 2.0 Authorize Endpoint: [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/patient/auth/authorize

    • OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint: [aidbox-url]/auth/token

  4. Click the Submit button

  5. Click the Follow this link to authorize with the SMART server link

  6. Press the Allow button on the consent screen

9.8 EHR Launch with Patient Scopes

  1. Click the 9.8 EHR Launch with Patient Scopes link in the left sidebar

  2. Click the Run tests button

  3. Provide require parameters for tests

    • EHR launch FHIR Endpoint: [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/patient/smart-api

    • EHR Launch Client ID: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app

    • EHR Launch Client Secret: inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app-secret

    • OAuth 2.0 Authorize Endpoint: [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/patient/auth/authorize

    • OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint: [aidbox-url]/auth/token

  4. Click the Submit button

  5. Open the patient portal UI [aidbox-url]/tenant/my-clinic/patient/portal

  6. Login to the portal using credentials we created before / password

  7. Find the inferno-confidential-patient-smart-app application

  8. Click the Launch button

  9. Click the Follow this link to authorize with the SMART server link

  10. Press the Allow button on the consent screen

9.10 Visual Inspection and Attestation

To pass the visual inspection see the Pass Inferno Visual Inspection and Attestation guide.

Last updated

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