
/execution/aidbox.archive/create-archive is designed to create and start archiving task. It returns reference to the created archive task.

create-archive properties:

POST /execution/aidbox.archive/create-archive
accept: text/yaml
content-type: text/yaml

targetResourceType: AuditEvent
  end: '2022-10-15'
  - recorded
storageBackend: gcp
bucket: aidbox-archive-test
pruneArchivedData: true
  id: my-account
  resourceType: GcpServiceAccount

To fetch status of the task make /execution/aidbox.archive/create-archive/[task_id] request with id from create-archive response:

If task has been executed successfully you will receive archiveId. You should use this property as parameter for restore-archive, delete-archive and prune-archived-data tasks and to get archive summary.

GET /execution/aidbox.archive/create-archive/9ed444a3-8344-40f5-bba2-d9a5728e7471
accept: text/yaml
content-type: text/yaml

Get archive summary

GET AidboxArchive/08b0004b-e383-4c43-bacd-d05c5e2d1560

Last updated