Release Notes
March 2025 edge
Work in progress
February 2025 latest, 2502
latest, 2502
Introduced Settings
Published settings reference documentation
Aidbox Forms
PDF-Form conversion (enhancement): Re-generation from PDF and insertion of a part of the form into an existing form
Added enabling of Print, Amend, and Save buttons in SDCConfig
Added support for systemversion in valuesets
Added an ability to intercept requests made to the Aidbox server endpoints from Form Builder and Renderer when embedding as web-component
Supported max decimal places
Minor updates:
2501.1 — Minor bug fixes
January 2025 stable, 2501
stable, 2501
Aidbox is transitioning to the FHIR Schema engine. Existing zen and Entity/Attribute (EA) engines are deprecated and will be obsolete starting August 2025. July 2025 version will become LTS supporting zen and Entity/Attributes for 2 years.
Enhanced UI Resource browser:
Added reference navigation for direct navigation between linked resources
Introduced resizable columns
Implemented pagination
Introduced resizable columns
Added column selection
Added support for specifying Content Security Policy header as an environment variable. By default, Aidbox doesn't set CSP headers.
Supported Bundle batch validation using Bundle/$validate endpoint for Aidbox instances using FHIR Schema validator
Changed default stdout log level and stdout Google log level to
Aidbox Forms
Improved performance for handling large forms.
Added the ability to set colors for tooltips and hover effects using the primary color in the Theme.
Enabled linking a Questionnaire profile directly in the UI Builder.
Updated the Aidbox Forms Smart Launch project with enhancements and fixes.
Added video support to the media section of the item settings .
Minor updates:
2412.2 — Fixed security issues
December 2024 2412
Supported SMART App Launch scopes v1 and v2 for Aidbox on FHIR Schema validation engine and reworked SMART on FHIR documentation
Added example of SMART App Launch using Aidbox and Keycloak
Supported enabling OrgBAC (Organization-based hierarchical access control) using an environment variable if an Aidox instance uses FHIR Schema validator
Fixed security issues and bugs
Aidbox Forms
Added the ability to store unstructured data from forms in external file storage systems.
Supported previewing audio, video, and PDF files in the attachment field.
Improved developer experience for FHIR path expressions with syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and error reporting.
Added an option to configure a custom redirect for the back button when embedding the Form Builder as a web component.
Added the ability to associate a link with a question, group, or display item to provide additional information.
Enabled short text for questions, groups, or items to display an alternate label when rendering on smaller devices like mobile phones.
Minor updates:
2412.1 — Fixed minor bugs
November 2024 2411
Introduced Init Bundle as a simple and effective way of configuring Aidbox. The Init Bundle will replace Aidbox (zen) configuration projects.
Added an option to disable terminology bindings validation when using FHIR schema validator
Aidbox Forms
Added named expressions for calculated/enableWhen/populate expressions and a Named Expression tab in the Debug Console.
Enabled custom text definitions for Aidbox Form Builder and Renderer.
Added support for custom error and warning messages in the Form Builder and Renderer.
Added a setting to display sections collapsed for brief overviews.
Introduced a widget to select values from a defined range with a horizontal slider.
Added AI support for translating labels in translation mode.
Released a sample project for custom SMART Apps with Aidbox Forms, supporting SMART on FHIR flows, resource synchronization, and form management.
Implemented the basic form re-population feature.
Minor updates:
2411.2 — Updated dependencies
2410.2 — Updated dependencies
2410.1 — Fixed minor bugs
October 2024 2410, LTS
2410, LTS
Released Aidbox UI home page
Implemented hashing for sensitive elements User, Client and Session records. it is strongly recommended to delete the history tables for these resources to prevent access to the original un-hashed secret values.
Introduced "Authorize Inline Requests" mode, ensuring that users can only retrieve resources they are authorized to view when using
parameters in search requests.Added Audit Logs for SQL endpoints
Added configurable CORS settings, allowing users to enable CORS and specify allowed origins.
Fixed critical vulnerabilities and bugs
Aidbox Forms
Introduced an Aidbox Forms SMART app sample project with React.js
Verified compliance with accessibility standards
Added an ability to re-populate a form with the latest available data
Added validation checks for Questionnaires directly in the UI Builder console.
Minor updates:
2409.2 — Fixed critical security issues, fixed versioning in logs
2408.2 — Fixed critical security issues, fixed versioning in logs
September 2024 2409
Introduced new MAJOR.MINOR versioning for improved clarity
Added webhook support for Aidbox topic-based subscriptions
Implemented fuzzy search for FHIR packages import
Enabled new Aidbox UI by default
Fixed critical vulnerabilities and bugs
Smartbox | FHIR API for EHRs
Introduced user feedback capability for DSIs (b)(11)
Implemented “service base URLs” in compliance with (g)(10)
Aidbox Forms
Implemented basic conversion of paper and fillable PDF forms to digital forms
Added QuestionnareResponce and extraction outcomes validation in the UI Builder console
Supported default value population in the UI Builder
Optimized performance for handling large forms
August 2024 2408
Introduced dynamic Topic-based subscriptions and supported Kafka (OSS and AWS) as delivery channels
Added an option to connect a self-hosted Aidbox instance to the ViewDefinition builder
Enhanced SQL on FHIR spec coverage
Supported Audit logging using external identity providers
UI builder updates (FHIR Questionnaire-based):
Provided delete, copy form on the Form template grid
Supported cqf-expression to provide prefilling the value in the display field
Add support for user-defined codemaps
July 2024 2407
Introduced support for custom resources using FHIR StructureDefinitions and custom resources using FHIR schemas
Published JavaScript app example demonstrating custom resources with a typical notification flow: requesting a notification, locking it for sending, and sending it (placeholder)
UI builder updates (FHIR Questionnaire-based):
Performance optimization for large forms
Implemented Audit logging
Introduced the ability to override existing conversion rules using the DSL
Supported DICOM section
Improved performance
May 2024 2405
Aidbox development licenses are now available to all users, empowering everyone to explore, develop, and innovate with our comprehensive FHIR-first healthcare platform.
Simplified Aidbox Launch: We've developed a simplified way to launch Aidbox, making it easier than ever to get started.
AidboxID Login: Users can now log in to Aidbox using AidboxID to streamline and secure access.
FHIR schema validation engine (beta). This validation engine is set to replace the existing Zen Schema and JSON Schema validation engines.
Supported multiple sources to load IGs to Aidbox:
Supported multiple interfaces to load IGs to Aidbox:
Aidbox UI (at runtime)
FHIR API (at runtime)
UploadFIG tool (at runtime)
New Aidbox UI (Settings -> New UI):
Enhanced navigation with a double sidebar for improved access to features and resources.
Resource browser
FHIR IG package introspection
Settings (read-only)
Published Helm charts to simplify the process of deploying and managing Aidbox in K8s
UI builder updates (FHIR Questionnaire-based):
Ability to create custom components and reuse them in other forms
Added open choice widget
Improved UI Builder user experience via preview form button, quick search for a field on the form or in the outline, etc
Ability to enable the outline in form preview for form navigation
Ability to show or hide option's scores on the form
Supported Multitenancy in Aidbox Forms
March 2024 2403
SQL on FHIR engine
Enhanced SQL on FHIR® (v2.0) spec test coverage. The SQL on FHIR coverage report is available here.
Released FHIR schema validation engine (alpha). This validation engine is set to replace the existing Zen Schema and JSON Schema validation engines.
Launched FHIR IGs Repository (alpha). Aidbox now lets you introspect and load FHIR IGs directly from a mirrored version of into your Aidbox instance, either through the UI or configuration files
UI builder updates (FHIR Questionnaire-based):
Ability to change the widget type
Supported markdown renderer for tooltip and label
Expanded enablewhen expression templates
Improve adding widget process - widget can be added in any point of outline
Ability to create the form themes in the UI builder
Ability to add multiple signatures to the form
Added radio button widget with layout orientation
Ability to place multiple widgets on one line
Ability to add placeholder for widget
Improved UI Builder dev experience via warnings and tips
Support of FHIR formatted Bundle
Enhanced references resolving mechanism for
endpointsMapping fixes, bug fixes
February 2024 2402,LTS
Security and Access Control
Released beta version of Label-based Access Control to control access to data based on the classification of the data (privacy, sensitivity, etc) and the attributes of the requester.
Data API
Supported FHIR-conformant
parametersAdded parameter to set the maximum number of import retries for /v2/$import
Questionnaire-based forms updates:
Ability to add help text
Ability to add image for a question
Selecting a code for an item from terminologies
Selecting code for answerOption from terminologies
Ability to create multi-page forms
Ability to amend form using a shared link
Supported attachment item
Ability to add regex validation
Support built-in rule based deduplication
Mapping fixes, bug fixes
Minor UI enhancements
Fixed issues submitted by Aidbox users
January 2024 2401
Data API
Supported ViewDefinition resource structure according to the latest SQL on FHIR specification. These changes don’t affect existing views. Please check this guide to update ViewDefinitions
Added basic FHIR Profiles support to Python SDK
Security and access control
Added Access policy matcho engine $one-of operator to fetch the list of the available values from the request context
Supported history endpoint within the Organisation-based access control
Documented GitHub as an external identity provider
Published guide on how to use self-signed SSL certificates when deploying Aidbox
Fixed the code_verifier to behave according to the RFC
Fixed minor issue in Multibox that led to many “do nothing” messages in the logs
Improved the C-CDA to FHIR conversion performance by 20%
Administered Medications mapping to/from MedicationAdministration FHIR resource
Documented 'How to make Aidbox Docker image work with self-signed SSL certificates'
Released AidboxDB 16.1. Updated the list of the extensions for Postgres. Documented the migration steps from the previous PG versions
Removed apk-tools from our Docker images
Questionnaire-based forms updates:
Form Builder
Added required constraints
Added hidden rules & enable-when conditions
Added scores for questions with coding
Added support for loading Questionnaire from file/text
Added tips for FHIRPath usage
Completed themes support
Added Configuration to disable FHIR SDC operations
Extended $populate operation to support Questionnaire root properties
Added operation to generating signed links for form filling
Added $populatelink FHIR SDC operation
Aidbox DSL-based forms updates
Fixed issues with concurrent save/submit UI operations
Fixed conversion of QuestionnaireResponse with included scores
November 2023 2311
Data API
Optimized Activity Scheduler Service for Workflow Engine
Added Python templates for HL7 v2 ADT, ORU, ORM to FHIR transformation
Improved performance
Added narrative generation for several sections (see all sections here)
Security and access control
Added group widget in the UI Builder
Added calculate expressions with FHIRPath/AidboxLisp
Added FHIRPath support for enable-when expressions
Add views for Questionnaire and QuestionnaireResponse in the UI Builder
Enabled saving a Form as Questionnaire
Integrated Questionnaire/QuestionnaireResponse in current list of Aidbox Forms
Added $validate-response FHIR operation
Added $process-response FHIR SDC operation
October 2023 2310
New FHIR Schema Validator for Aidbox (Early Alpha)
Supported RxNorm terminology load to Aidbox
Data API
Added an environment variable to synchronize managed index when Aidbox starts
Added Workflow Engine Connector for FHIR Topic-based subscriptions
Added Workflow Engine clean-up built-in task
Added Workflow Engine run-sql built-in task
Changed logic how section templateId is being selected (resolve “entries required”/”entries optional” ambiguity)
Minor mapping fixes (immunizations, document header)
Added an option to have more than one request per section in Document Definition
Added an option to use Observations with text values for section narratives
Security and access control
Supported Patient API
Supported sending traces via OpenTelemetry
Supported Azure Block in $export operation
Improved UI-builder:
Supported enableWhen expressions (exclusive for Aidbox lisp)
Added constraints and validation for datetime, date, time, number fields
Added an option to import UI-built forms to a library
Added preview for Questionnaire and QuestionnaireResponse in UI-builder
Aidbox UI
Introduced new database console sidebar
September 2023 2309
New FHIR Validator public demo stand
Launched Open Source Telehealth application with end-to-end flow with 3 user roles [Provider, Patient, Admin]
Topic-Based Subscriptions module
Supported the GCP Pub/Sub integration
Added restart on replication channel failure
Added ability to check topic status with Aidbox Console UI
Developed Aidbox monitoring stack integration
Supported Subscription
propertyAdded new sample configuration with the Aidbox Project Template
Data API
Delete all matching resources using conditional delete
Security and access control
Added Audit Log UI on Aidbox Console
Added autocomplete for literals and keywords
Configured Questionnaire converter to accept FHIR Bundle
Added new form template SDOH PRAPARE to Form Library
Released new UI-builder pre-alpha version
August 2023 2308
SQL on FHIR engine early access
Data API
Added _filter for chained search
Optimized GraphQL for revincludes
Added X-max-transaction-level for CRUD
Supported FHIR R4B and R5 Topic-based subscriptions
Security and access control
Added Capability Statement endpoint for multitenant API
Added bundle transaction for multitenant API
Added stdout appender for logs in Google format
Added access policy usage in UI console on AccessPolicy page
Added a neat UI to rotate credentials and download certificates on IdentityProvider view page
Supported BALP for CRUD + Search operations. Both basic and patient profiles
Issue 2306-lts
Aidbox user portal
Added the ability to specify a custom configuration project when creating a GCP Aidbox UI
Updated the sidebar in the Aidbox UI
Add metrics for Aidbox logs. Count of logs per log level
Implemented PG database backup verification tool, improved Grafana dashboards to show backup verification statuses
Added basic Forms Accessibility (Screen Readers, Keyboard Navigation)
Improved mobile devices adaptation (form takes all visual space, buttons aligned in specific positions)
Improved UX of developer tools (inline errors, autocomplete, code folding, bracket matching)
July 2023 2307
Data API
Added multilingual search with _search-language parameter
Added an option to translate concepts with $translate-concepts endpoint
Added _source search parameter
Supported C-CDA to work as a standalone service
Added an option to inspect intermediate conversion tree
Security and access control
Added shared resources in the Organisation-based access control
Supported Azure AD asymmetric authentication
Added security dashboard in the Aidbox UI
Added a form to create an IdentityProvider resource
Supported SCIM v2 User API
Added operation pass auth information (user, client, session) to backend service
Aidbox Forms
Supported an option to include question scores in QuestionnaireResponse in the converter
Minor fixes: UI became more stable while loading
June 2023 2306,LTS
Data API
Added Location.near search parameter
Added index synchronization via the Workflow and Task API
Added _timeout for _include and _revinclude
Supported OperationOutcome for invalid accept format errors
Fixed behavior of the :exact modifier
Fixed jsonpath sort order
Supported modifying and creating new mappings using the Aidbox Configuration Project
Security and access control
Added hierarchical organization-based access control (multi-tenancy on organization-level resources)
Added How to enable hierarchical access control tutorial
Released new PostgreSQL Aidboxdb images 15.3, 14.8, 13.11
Added PostGis Extension
Enabled the /health endpoint metrics and logs by default
Added How to disable logging tutorial
Aidbox Forms
Optimized Forms for mobile devices
Released TypeScript SDK module for Workflow Engine
Added a sample project that demonstrates the following flow: remind a patient about upcoming appointment on a specific date, collect information about the patient’s condition with Aidbox Form and store information as FHIR data
May 2023 2305
Released Workflow Engine
Validation and Terminology
Added LOINC terminology
Added support for multiple translations of LOINC terminology
Added support for multiple translations of SNOMED CT terminology
Data API
Supported FHIR R5 chained search parameters
Added support for revinclude in GraphQL when reference from source does not specify type
Added new supported sections:
Functional Status, Health Concerns, Mental Status, Plan of Treatment, Payers, Family History, Nutrition, and Medical Equipment
Security and access control
Introduced AuditEvent viewer
Added integration with Aidbox Workflow Engine: add task to launch form
Added minor features:
support for lisp templates in finalize patch section
support for redirects when embedded as iframe
disable-back-button property to aidbox.sdc/pages widget
support for showing images in a row with another fields
Added minor fixes:
automatic layout generation for subforms
minor styling inconsistencies in UI
Added a quickstart guide demonstrating how to launch a PHR sample app on Aidbox
Added a PHR sample app
Added 3 example apps
April 2023 2304
Validation and Terminology
Supported FHIR R5
Aidbox Notebooks
Added new preview feature: now, users can download their notebooks as HTML files, which can be viewed on any web browser, uploaded to an Aidbox instance, and used as regular noteboooks
Data API
Implemented chained search for parameters defined by Search resource
BREAKING: searchset bundle doesn’t support versionId anymore. Aidbox fills in 0 instead. This field may be removed in the near future. ETag functionality for Search API is removed. ETag functionality for GET/PUT/POST/DELETE operations is not affected.
Added new API constructor engine to define custom endpoints and convert arbitrary data into FHIR
C-CDA / FHIR converter
Enhanced /ccda/validate endpoint to behave exactly as CDA validator
Security and access control
Supported log filtering via different appenders
Added Authentication with AD FS tutorial
Aidbox user portal
Added option to specify FHIR R5 configuration project
Aidbox Forms
Added new field type for storing attachments
Supported cloud storages: AidboxDB, GCP Storage, AWS S3
Added support for using attachment as a source in media-viewer widget
Optimized layout rules performance
Added minor layout adaptations for small screens
Fixed minor bugs and issues
March 2023 2303
Validation and Terminology
Supported FHIR R4B
Data API
Added $to-format operation without getting transformation metadata
Fixed polymorphic reference targets for FHIR resources
Fixed Bundle conformance for AidboxQuery
Fixed sorting by token when using jsonknife engine
Added a header to lower transaction isolation level
Improved $import operation, that allows for more reliable and efficient processing of multiple import requests through the Task API
Released the new version of HL7 v2 parser and mapping engine
C-CDA to FHIR converter
Released FHIR to C-CDA bidirectional converter (beta). Supported sections:
Allergies, Encounters, Immunizations, Problems, Vital Signs, Results, Social History, Procedures, Medications
Security and Access control
Developed access policy dev tool
Added tutorials and guides:
How to implement the ReBAC authorization model in Aidbox within AccessPolicy
Aidbox user portal
Added FHIR R4B zenFHIR package to configuration options
Aidbox Forms
Added an option to select valueset dynamically in the choice field
Showed form rules in human-friendly format:
Added ability to store form properties in DB
Added support for static images
Added wizard like layout
Added support for form help message
February 2023 2302, LTS
2302, LTS
Validation and Terminology
Reduced zen FHIR IGs size
Introduced New FTR extraction engine: creating new ValueSets based on existing FTRs
Data API
Implemented JSONPath Sort (previously there was fallback to jsonknife)
Implemented #>> operation to optimize some query types (enabled via env)
Improved _explain to show SQL even if the query failed with an error
Implemented handling of unique errors: it is now possible to enforce uniqueness on some combination of fields
Improved conformance of conditional queries
MDM (Master Data Management)
Fixed bugs with Python integration
C-CDA to FHIR converter
Introduced FHIR to CCD transformation (alpha)
Security and Access Control
Supported Aidbox on path
Devbox images are no longer supported. Please use AidboxOne image with development license
Supported box_web_* configs for Multibox
Introduced Aidbox status page
Aidbox Forms
Added new forms templates, incl. Lifestyle, Medications, Problem List to forms library
Improved Forms UX
Supported tooltip for forms and input fields
Supported Markdown for labels and tooltips
Added Forms styling/branding: logo, button texts, colors, fonts
Added 3 predefined themes (monochrome/HealthSamurai/NHS)
Added customizable redirect-button to Forms
January 2023 2301
Added ICD-10 FTR integration
Data API
Zen Index API is now considered stable
Implemented automatic loading of search parameters on extensions from IG
C-CDA to FHIR converter
Added configuration for /ccda/to-fhir endpoint
Added configuration for /ccda/persist endpoint
Added tenant support for /ccda/persist endpoint
Security and Access Control
Supported passing any launch context parameters on SMART on FHIR 2.0 app launch flow with fhirContext parameter
Add GraphQL request body in gq/resp log event
Changed container OS to Alpine and reduced total container size
Introduced Telemetry API for errors and usage stats.
Aidbox Forms
Added new forms templates to forms library
Added metadata properties to forms
December 2022 2212
MDM (Master Data Management)
Added $match operation
Python API for Aidbox MDM module
Archive/Restore API
Task API allowing to define asynchronous operation called tasks.
Archive/Restore API allowing to archive and restore resources to/from S3 bucket powered by Task API.
Scheduler API allowing to execute tasks by schedule.
Aidbox Configuration Projects
Added a FHIR 4.0.1 compliant Configuration Project (also available on Aidbox User Portal).
Added a guide on passing Touchstone FHIR 4.0.1 basic server test suite on Aidbox User Portal.
Data API
Implemented jsonpath search engine
GraphQL: added warmup cache on startup option
Terminology API
Aidbox Forms
Simplified DSL (brief definition, less layers to describe for basic behavior)
Added layout autogeneration
Added API for generate layers (layout, finalize, finalize-constraints)
C-CDA to FHIR converter
Added a guide on how to persist FHIR resources to a DB after C-CDA to FHIR transformation.
Improved Observation data mapping.
November 2022 2211
Aidbox deployment and maintenance
Released index suggestion API and updated documentation on index management
Updated documentation on highly available Aidbox
Updated documentation on production-ready deployment to Kubernetes
Improved admin UI with configuration of EHR-level logo, email provider and bulk export
Added documentation on deployment to Kubernetes
Added guides on passing Inferno tests and Inferno Visual Inspection and Attestation
Aidbox Configuration Projects
Improved startup time for Aidbox instances configured with zen FHIR IGs
Improved local development workflow
Improved Aidbox support of US Core IG artifacts
Added configuration of Aidbox features via zen-lang instead of envs
Aidbox User Portal
Added support of setting multiple Aidbox Configuration Projects and zen FHIR IGs for Sandbox instances
C-CDA to FHIR converter
Confirmed USCDI v1 compliance
Aidbox Forms
Added forms as a configuration project to the Aidbox User Portal
Introduced the form repository with the commonly used templates, such as PHQ-9, vital signs and GAD-7
Published tutorials on how to create and manage forms in Aidbox Forms
Supported tls for SMTP provider
October 2022 2210
Introduced FHIR Terminology repositories (alpha) to store any terminology elements (code systems, value sets, concepts) in an effective way and distribute them among Aidbox instances
C-CDA to FHIR converter
Supported Diagnostic Imaging Report sections:
Indications for procedure
Supported conversion of different sections of C-CDA documents to ClinicalImpression resources:
Consultation notes
Discharge notes
Procedure history notes
Nursing notes
Supported Care Team section mapping
Search API
Added 180-second timeout for (rev)include queries
Breaking change: removed limit of 1000 in _count queries
Supported multitenancy
Added an option set up EHR-level customization (logos and templates)
Aidbox forms
Supported rules, text type and display type conversion on FHIR Questionnaire -> SDCDocument converter
Supported amendments and addendums of forms
Aidbox user portal
Introduced CI/CD licenses on the Aidbox user portal. You can get this license to run multiple instances of Aidbox and Multibox in parallel for 72 hours. Both development and CI/CD licenses are available for existing customers at no cost
Added an option to configure Aidbox instances hosted in Aidbox Cloud with FHIR IGs for data validation
Logging and audit
Supported log streaming to browser
Fixed incorrect calculation of request duration for resources in transaction bundles
Updated documentation
Fixed issues submitted by Aidbox users and minor bugs
September 2022 2209
Released Seed v2 service for Aidbox configuration projects
Added Client.audience regex support in SMART on FHIR App launch
Added an option to filter Aidbox stdout logs by severity. By default Aidbox sends only
severity level logs to stdout.Added response headers to Aidbox REST Console and Aidbox Notebooks
Enhanced the Aidbox configuration process with Aidbox configuration projects
endpoint for MultiboxUpdated documentation on how to configure Aidbox with Aidbox configuration project
Updated documentation on how to configure highly available Aidbox
Added support for PostgreSQL 15 (beta)
Added documentation on how to create most common indexes
format support for bulk importAdded
parameter for AidboxQueryFixed issues submitted by Aidbox users and fixed minor bugs.
August 2022 2208
Aidbox FHIR API module (SMARTbox) is officially certified by ICSA Labs to comply with the ONC’s 2015 Edition Cures Update requirements / 170.315(g)(10).
Added an option to get Aidbox hosted on AWS directly from the Aidbox user portal. Aidbox FHIR platform is available on AWS marketplace.
Released Aidbox forms alpha version.
Added RPC method to track Aidbox project terminology bundles async load status.
Added env to automatically create a User resource on auth via TokenIntrospector. This allows to use both TokenIntrospector and IdentityProvider auth for the same User in Aidbox.
Added log event :op/timeout for logging custom operations timeout
Added FHIR Bundle transaction conditional CRUD with
supportAdded SNOMED CT bundle
Enhanced zen.fhir profiles with RequiredPattern and FixedValue constraints
Added seed service errors output.
Added Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and Keycloak external identity providers integration guides
July 2022 2207
Published multiple versions of zen FHIR IGs to provide an option to use a specific version of an implementation guide.
Improved GraphQL API performance.
Improved validation with zen-lang performance.
Added RPC method to get the import status when running load-from-bucket import operation.
Added an option to start Aidbox with an invalid Aidbox project in dev-mode to improve the debugging experience. By default, Aidbox doesn't start with invalid Aidbox projects.
Added an option to enable ACL checks for searches in conditional operations.
environment variable to enable sync terminology bundle file load.Added
option to use$import
with non-gzipped files.Added support of field when using _include or _revinclude search parameters.
property to the CapabilityStatement resource.Added configurable
parameter. If not defined refresh token doesn't expire.Fixed issues submitted by Aidbox users and fixed minor bugs.
June 2022 2206, LTS
2206, LTS
Added an option to load Aidbox project from a remote Git repository.
Improved Aidbox startup time when loading Aidbox project from a zip archive.
Added Aidbox projects terminology bundle load cache. Aidbox doesn't load a terminology bundle into its database if the bundle has no changes.
Aidbox project terminology bundle load is now async and doesn't affect Aidbox startup time.
Added nested resources validation when using zen profiling.
Added params to load-from-bucket import operation.
Improved chained search parameters performance.
Added ability to specify SQL migrations in Aidbox project seed service.
Enhanced API constructor ACL with conditional CRUD and patient/group level
.Added a tutorial on how to create a user and give full access.
Fixed issues submitted by Aidbox users and fixed minor bugs.
May 2022 2205
Added RPC API access control engines: allow-rpc engine and attribute-based matcho-rpc engine.
Added GraphQL API resource history search to retrieve a resource change history.
Added token expiration mechanism for stored Sessions.
Enhanced API constructor ACL with new operation engine filter table insert on create.
Changed auth layer 400/401/403 errors response body to OperationOutcome resource.
Added CapabilityStatement configuration options.
Improved setting PostgreSQL schema for Aidbox tables.
Added option to set JWT private/public keys and secret via env.
Added aidboxdb PostgreSQL 14.2 version. Supported versions are 14.2 and 13.6.
Added tutorial how to fix broken dates.
Released Infrabox preview. Infrabox is a simple and efficient tool to deploy and manage production-ready Aidbox infrastructure on k8s.
April 2022 2204
Added ACL (access-control list) functionality to API constructor.
seed service
for Aidbox project. Declare a set of resources in Aidbox project and get them loaded in one or many Aidboxes on start.Added option to set PostgreSQL schema for Aidbox tables.
content-type: application/json
as default ifcontent-type
headers are missing.Added $drop-cache operation and and
RPCAdded GET /$version operation to get Aidbox version.
operation error handling and added FHIR bundle resource documentation.Enhanced GraphQL with property support
Reviewed first-class extensions with zen-lang and updated docs.
Reviewed and updated Aidbox multitenancy docs.
March 2022 2203
Released a February 2022 - v:2202
. __ The Aidbox team will backport security and critical bug fixes to it throughout a one-year support window.Added
header that allows skipping resource reference validation.Standardized Aidbox project entrypoints.
Added fixes to zen FHIR packages and published Structured Data Capture IG as a zen FHIR package.
modifier for token/Identifier search.Enhanced matcho engine with
query parameter to the bulk data export operation.Updated HL7 v2 module documentation.
Fixed issues submitted by Aidbox users.
February 2022 - 2202
February 2022 - v:2202 is available as a long-term support version. End of life is April 2023.
Released a beta version of Aidbox API constructor that allows to define REST API granularly.
Added Access Control debug option: su header. It allows doing a request on behalf of a certain user.
Added Grafana dashboard RPC API that allows to get Aidbox metrics dashboards and import it to your Grafana.
Improved logging for RPC and GraphQL calls.
Fixed Aidbox UI pretty view display.
Fixed issues submitted by Aidbox users.
Deprecated APM and JMX in default build. Please reach out to us if you're using it.
January 2022 - v:2201
Starting from January 2022 we're switching to a new release cycle. We added:latest and LTS
(long-term support) versions. Check the updated release cycle.
Added FHIR R4 search parameters to zen FHIR packages (alpha) as a part of our roadmap to run Aidbox on managed PostgreSQL databases.
Released load-from-bucket import operation for huge imports that allows loading terabytes of data from an AWS bucket directly to the Aidbox database with maximum performance.
Added Aidbox UI new tools: DB Tables and DB Queries to improve database administration and introspection.
Added new env
to enable strict date time validation in JSON schema validation engine per FHIR spec.Improved
error statuses.Added Search resource
support.Improved Search parameter expression error reporting.
Improved zen profiles support in GraphQL API.
Released Multibox box manager API.
Added Aidbox UI Analyze Attributes tab description.
December 2021 - v:2112
Added slicings support to zen FHIR profiles.
Released Devbox performance test suite.
Added new community notebooks that demonstrate Aidbox functionality including Bulk export API, Aidbox terminology, Custom resources, etc.
Fixed bugs submitted by Aidbox users and updated the documentation.
November 2021 - v:2111
Implemented the
operation. So now you can translate code from one value set to another, based on the existing value set and concept maps resources, and/or other additional knowledge available to Aidbox.Released FHIR bulk data export. Using $export you can export patient-level, group level or system-level data to GCP, AWS storage in ndjson format.
Extended Aidbox Access Policies to GraphQL API.
Released metrics server as an Aidbox component that implements the new metrics API for PostgreSQL, HikariCP and JVM metrics.
Added zen FHIR packages version check. Aidbox won't start if you use an outdated zen FHIR package.
resource withforgotPasswordUrl
attribute.Added Aidbox, Multibox, Devbox and Aidboxdb multi-arch Images (ARM64 and AMD64) to resolve Apple Silicon M1 processors performance issues.
Added GraphQL access control and Aidbox Terminology community notebooks.
mode that changes Aidbox behavior to pass HL7® FHIR Conformance Tests.Fixed bugs submitted by Aidbox users and updated the documentation.
October 2021 - v:2110
Released new API for Bulk Data import. Using Aidbox.bulk you will be able to import data in both Aidbox and FHIR formats, validate uploaded resources and references asynchronously.
Added Smart App Launch sandbox to the Aidbox portal sample app.
Added zen FHIR packages that can be used to configure Aidboxes and validate resources against zen FHIR profiles. You can use your custom profiles, convert FHIR profiles to zen FHIR profiles or use zen FHIR packages released by our team:
- US Corehl7-fhir-us-davinci-pdex
- Payer Data Exchange (PDex)hl7-fhir-us-davinci-pdex-plan-net
- PDEX Payer Networkhl7-fhir-us-davinci-hrex
- The Da Vinci Payer Health Record exchange (HRex)hl7-fhir-us-davinci-drug-formulary
- DaVinci Payer Data Exchange US Drug Formularyhl7-fhir-us-carin-bb
- CARIN Consumer Directed Payer Data Exchange (CARIN IG for Blue Button®)hl7-fhir-us-mcode
- mCODE™ (short for Minimal Common Oncology Data Elements)
- Nictiz NL, including MedMij and HL7 NL
env that enables_debug=policy
for access policy debugging. We'll add more functionality that will be available for development purposes and can be disabled on production.Fixed bugs submitted by Aidbox users and updated documentation.
September 2021 - v:2109
Added Aidbox projects that can be used to configure Aidboxes and validate data. Basically, Aidbox project is a directory with zen-lang edn files that describe Aidbox configuration.
5 FHIR compartments are available as default in Aidbox. More details on Compartments API.
Added Datadog integration URL configuration. So now you can specify in configuration if you want to use one of the following domains,,,
.Added a tutorial on how to configure HL7 FHIR Da Vinci PDex Plan Net IG on Aidbox.
Supported SMART Application Launch Framework Implementation Guide: Patient Portal Launch, Patient Standalone Launch, Provider EHR Launch, Provider Standalone Launch. Check the sample.
August 2021 - v:2108
Released Aidbox Notebooks. Interactive notebooks for REST, SQL, RPC and Markdown. So now you can create your own notebooks or import community notebooks.
Released a beta version of zen profiling. Advanced profiling with zen-lang to configure Aidboxes and validate data.
Added Asynchronous Batch Validation mode to validate data in Aidbox against new profiles
Released Aidbox RPC API
Supported conditional patch (e.g.:
PATCH /Patient?name=foo
)Added an environment variable to pass the environment to Datadog (dev/staging/prod).
Added empty query params remove #238. Please pay attention when using json-schema access policy engine: Fields with empty values, such as
[], {}, "", null
, are removed before passing request into access policy processing. Make sure to addrequire
check of the fields that are validated by a json schemaFixed some bugs submitted by Aidbox users. Check it here.
July 2021 - v:2107
We've released a major Aidbox UI upgrade
Updated REST Console (check out the tutorial):
Explicit request headers
content-type, accept
etcShow raw response
Added syntax highlight
Upgrade Aidbox Java version to 16.
to the User grid to improve UX. #397.Improved logging.
Reviewed and updated log event schema. The updated schema is available here.
Add w_r - templated request URL for better aggregation. For example, requests like
GET /Patient/pt-1
will becomeGET /Patient/?
thus allowing aggregate all read requests for monitoring.Log additional DB metrics from Aidbox.Dev.
Added ELK, Kibana, and Grafana to Aidbox image. So now you can start exploring and analyzing logs from scratch. Check our tutorial on exploring and visualizing logs here.
We added a new auth mechanism for authorization Aidbox.Cloud and Aidbox.Multibox users by JWT.
Support for OKTA as an external OAuth 2.0 provider. Check out the tutorial.
Added Intercom so you can get help directly from your Aidbox.Dev or Aidbox.Cloud.
Added a guide on search performance optimization to our docs. Check it here.
June 2021 - v:20210610
Added support for Bulk API export in CSV. You can use /[resourceType]/$dump-csv endpoint to generate CSV file in which JSON resource structure is flattened into comma-separated format. Such an option for data export is useful for integrations with external EHR systems.
Added support for If-Match header in DELETE operation of FHIR REST API. If-Match is most often used to prevent accidental overwrites when multiple user agents might be acting in parallel on the same resource (i.e., to prevent the "lost update" problem).
Added support for additional mime types according to the FHIR specification Accept: application/fhir+json, Accept: application/json+fhir. When one of the headers is specified for your request, the same Content-Type header is returned by Aidbox.
Implemented integration with Datadog. Datadog offers cloud-based monitoring and analytics platform which integrates and automates infrastructure monitoring, application performance monitoring, and log management for real-time observability of customers. You can configure it as storage for Aidbox logs. The detailed guide on how to use Datadog monitoring capabilities in your Aidbox-based system you can find here. This is an easy way to leverage HIPAA-compliant log management SaaS platform to unify logs, metrics, and traces in a single view.
Logs that are published on Aidbox startup are cleaned up from useless data.
SSL connection between Aidbox and PostgreSQL is now supported. Please, read the configuration instructions for more details.
Fixed a bug with race condition occurring during CRUD operations with If-Match header. Transaction rollback is implemented for the case when concurrent change happens to the resource.
Fixed a bug in the user management module when a second registration for a deleted user resulted in an error.
May 2021.04 - v:20210512
Add support for the Prefer header per FHIR spec
Add issue field for conditional update error
Add proper error message for sign up with existing email
Add support for If-Match header for PATCH request
Add FHIR support for $validate operation
March 2021- v:20210412
Change release name format from
Add zen lang validation engine
header for logging request bodyAdd
endpoint for custom logsAdd
endpoint optional parameters:FHIR format conversion
gzip compression
parameter for filtering bycreatedAt
API omit-resources parameterAdd jsonknife jsonpath engine missing functions
Add SearchQuery parameterized order-by support
Fix SearchQuery revinclude for array references
And other various bug fixes.
February 2021 - v:20210319
Aidbox now supports deployment on top of Azure PostgreSQL.
Improvements of $changes API: FHIR support, pagination, upper version limit. $changes is now available at the resource level.
Enhancement of Transaction Bundle API that allows to populate both resource and history tables in one transaction.
During transaction bundle processing attributes of url type that store relative references are now interpreted as Reference type. See the FHIR spec on Attachment data type for details.
Enhancement of Search resource that for token search allows fallback to default modifier implementation; (last example in the linked article)
Fixed issue with $dump and $dump-sql not allowing CORS requests
January 2021 - v:25012021
Elastic APM support for advanced performance monitoring
Two Factor Authentication with TOTP implementation
AWS S3 and GCP Cloud Storage integrations for storing content in the cloud
Basic _filter query parameter support
Fixed #354
Elastic APM support for advanced performance monitoring
Two Factor Authentication with TOTP implementation
AWS S3 and GCP Cloud Storage integrations for storing content in the cloud
Basic _filter query parameter support
Fixed #354
Search and sort by _createdAt parameter
Search by tokens with :text modifier
Filters in Change API
0.4.9 [9 March 2020]
New design/debug endpoint for AidboxQuery
Audit customization hook
New Clojure engine for AccessPolicy
Strip empty values in CRUD
0.4.8 [16 December 2019]
Complete rewrite of the (rev)include engine
New Mapping module
New Hl7v2 module
New engine for AccessPolicy - matcho
New Encryption API
X-Audit header to add custom data to Aidbox logs
X-Debug: policy header to trace policy evaluation
Support for _elements for (rev)included resources
Plenty of bug fixes!
0.4.7 [26 September 2019]
Now references to contained resources are represented as localRef
attribute in Aidbox Format
Managed SQL for FHIR search by SearchQuery
A default timeout for Search Operations with _timeout param for high-load
Ordered search in $lookup
microseconds precision for timestamps (Resource.meta.lastUpdated)
Better Aidbox <=> FHIR conversion for first-class extensions
Added JWT sub & iss and client IP address to logs
aidbox-cli elastic search logger now creates a new index for each day
Upgrade/Fix PATCH to be fully RFC conformant
Added X-Client-Auth header
Added cts column (createdAt) to resources (read more).
Entity.history='none' for custom resources to turn-off history
Unique validation by
in Attribute
0.4.6 [2 August 2019]
It's time to upgrade your database - please stop your container and change image to aidbox/db:11.4.0 !
In REST Console support for multiline URL line using
operation for efficient lookup search in millions of records - read moreAidboxQuery extended with count-query and params types and defaults
bulk operations were added and $import was upgradedaidbox/db upgrade to 11.4 + fixes in json_knife pg extension - (deep patterns, indexes)
Highlighted logs for humans in Aidbox.Dev by default: docker logs -f <your-box-container>
0.4.5 [3 July 2019]
operation for policy debugSupport for ident interpolation in SQL policy -
SELECT * FROM {{!params.resource/type}}
New _explain parameter for Search API
Beta version of bulk import operation
History & Snippets for REST & DB Console
0.4.4 [17 June 2019]
Support for RFC-7662 Token Introspection with TokenIntrospector resource. JwtAuthenticator is now TokenIntrospector as well with
GraphQL Alpha - see GraphQL in Aidbox user interface
0.4.3 [20 May 2019]
Sequence API - use PostgreSQL sequences through REST API
Operation bound policy in App manifest
Clear resources deleted in App manifest (#70)
Bulk load terminologies - tutorial
Logs from Aidbox to ElasticSearch - tutorial
Bug Fixes
Sort by polymorphic elements (#90)
operators for date search (#85)Search _has and param name with dash (#95)
0.4.2 [22 April 2019]
Structured Data Capture with Custom Resources (Alpha)
Search: new _ilike search parameter
Search: _include=* support
Search: _list parameter support
$dump - Bulk Export Operation
Health-Check endpoint by RFC
Bug Fixes
Auth first_party JWT session
html sanitise in Narrative
Fix date validation
Better validation error reporting
0.4.1 [8 April 2019]
This release is mostly dedicated to stabilisation of new auth module. Check-out it's documentation!
Support for
parameter andETAG
header for history poolingSupport for
header for inflexible http clientsSupport
Bug Fixes
Reference search with
- #47Support for
for applications - #69Failure of search with invalid search param - #65
FHIR transaction endpoint urls without
- #62Search: multiple
parameters - #73
0.4.0 [22 March 2019]
New Auth module (OAuth2, OpenID Connect and SCIM implementations)
Web UI for Aidbox.Dev
Migrate to Java 11
Clusters in Cloud
Breaking Changes
Auth module endpoint's changed
oauth => auth
Structure of Auth Client and User changed
Turn-off insecure Aidbox.Dev start - now you have to provide AIDBOX_CLIENT_ID and AIDBOX_CLIENT_SECRET
Bug fixes
Fix search by reference with
value when performing search inside Compartment#51 Fix CodeSystem create on
api#49 Fix _sort with dashes in parameter name
0.3.5 Hotfix
#51 - Fix
create on/fhir
operation andwebhook
channel: Subscriptions;Fixed Aidbox to FHIR data transformation bug when polymorphic attributes wasn't properly handled in recursive elements such as
search parameter (_totalMethod=count also works)Support
search parameter (_page - also works)Added $query - SQL query into REST Endpoint
_query - custom search related to resourceType
Implemented Compartments for requests like
; Compartments are defined with CompartmentDefinition resourceObservation/$lastn
is accessible as a part of Patient's compartment:/fhir/Patient/ID/Observation/$lastn
modifier for_include
search parameterRefactored FHIR search engine internals to leverage PostgreSQL's GIN index
headers (allows to specify box, without changing the url)Implement full-text search with RUM indices (requires PostgreSQL 11 with the
extension)Experimental support for FHIR 4 resources and search parameters
Experimental XML support for endpoints starting with
Introduced refresh tokens into
parameter to inspect and debug request authorization layer;CapabilityStatement
metadata endpoint;Added
header support for atomic updates;Fix metadata migration bug (fixes issues #16 and #6)
engine for AccessPolicy resource
Started to reflect all the changes in the CHANGELOG.
Last updated
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