Embedding UI Builder

Embedding the Aidbox Form Builder into your application using web components.

Integrate the Aidbox Form Builder directly into your application or website using web components. This allows users to create and manage forms without leaving your application environment.

How to Embed the Builder

Follow these steps to embed the Aidbox Form Builder:

Step 1: Include the Script

Add the following script tag to your HTML file:

<script src="{{ YOUR_AIDBOX_INSTANCE_BASE_URL }}/static/aidbox-forms-builder-webcomponent.js"></script>

Step 2: Add the Builder Tag

Insert the following HTML tag where you want the builder to appear:

  style="width: 100%; border: none; align-self: stretch; display: flex"
  form-id="{{ FORM_ID }}"

Step 3: Configure Attributes

You can pass the following attributes to the <aidbox-form-builder> tag:

  • base-url (optional): The base URL of your Aidbox instance. Defaults to the URL from which the script is loaded.

  • style (optional): Style attributes for the underlying iframe.

  • form-id (optional): ID of the form to load. If not provided, the builder opens with a blank form.

  • hide-back (optional): Hides the back button on the builder page.

  • delegate-alerts (optional): When set the web-component emits alert events with the alert objects as the event detail, instead of showing them in the UI.

  • config (optional): The configuration provided as a JSON string.

  • language (optional): The default language to use for the builder interface. It will not override the language set by a user in the builder.

Deprecated: Pass language as part of the config attribute value.

  • translation-languages (optional): Whitelist of comma-separated languages that can be used for translations in the builder. If not provided, all languages are allowed.

Deprecated: Pass translation-languages as part of the config attribute value.

Embedding Builder in Controlled Mode

In controlled mode, you can manage the form state within your application. The builder does not load or save the form to Aidbox; instead, it expects you to provide the form as a JSON string and emits change events back to your application.

Step 1: Include the Script

Add the following script tag to your HTML file:

  style="width: 100%; border: none; align-self: stretch; display: flex"

Step 2: Add Change Event Listener

Add a change event listener to the builder element to capture the updated form state:

  const builder = document.getElementById('aidbox-form-builder');

  builder.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
    console.log('Form changed', event.detail);
    // Modify the form state in your application if needed
    // event.detail contains the modified questionnaire as a JSON object
    // You can also pass the modified form back to the builder using the value attribute
    builder.setAttribute('value', JSON.stringify(event.detail));

Step 3: Configure Attributes

You can pass the following attributes to the <aidbox-form-builder> tag:

Available Attributes

  • base-url (optional): The base URL of your Aidbox instance. Defaults to the URL from which the script is loaded.

  • style (optional): Style attributes for the underlying iframe.

  • value (required): The questionnaire as a JSON string.

  • hide-back (optional): Hides the back button on the builder page.

  • hide-publish (optional): Hides the publish button on the builder page.

  • hide-save (optional): Hides the save button on the builder page.

  • delegate-alerts (optional): When set the web-component emits alert events with the alert objects as the event detail, instead of showing them in the UI.

  • show-share (optional): Shows the share button on the builder page.

  • config (optional): The configuration provided as a JSON string.

  • language (optional): The default language to use for the builder interface. It will not override the language set by a user in the builder.

Deprecated: Pass language as part of the config attribute value.

  • translation-languages (optional): Whitelist of comma-separated languages that can be used for translations in the builder. If not provided, all languages are allowed.

Deprecated: Pass translation-languages as part of the config attribute value.

Step 4: Listen to Builder Events

The builder emits the following events:

  • change: Emitted when the questionnaire is modified, triggered on every change or when the save or publish button is clicked. event.detail contains the modified questionnaire as a JSON object.

  • back: Emitted when back button (near form title) is clicked

  • ready: Emitted when the Aidbox Form Builder is loaded and ready to be used.

  • select: Emitted when an item is selected in the item list. event.detail contains the selected item as a JSON object.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly embed the Aidbox Form Builder into your application, providing a powerful tool for form creation and management directly within your user interface.

Request Interception

In the builder, you can intercept requests made to the Aidbox server endpoints. This feature is useful for debugging or implementing custom behavior, such as redirecting requests to a different server, appending authentication headers, or modifying requests.

To enable request interception, set the enable-fetch-proxy attribute and pass an interception function as fetch property (not an attribute) to the DOM element.

The interception function must follow the same signature as the standard fetch function, with the following exceptions:

  1. The function can return null or undefined to bypass the interception and allow the builder to handle the request using the standard fetch.

  2. The init object (the second argument) may include an additional tag property. This tag is a string representing the name of one of the endpoints, allowing you to differentiate between requests without relying on the URL or HTTP method, which may be subject to future changes.


Logging Requests

Below is an example of how to intercept requests in the builder to log them to the console:


    const builder = document.getElementById('aidbox-form-builder');
    builder.fetch = async (url, init) => {
        console.log('Intercepted request', url, init);
        const response = await fetch(url, init);
        const cloned = response.clone();
        console.log('Intercepted response', response.status, 
          response.headers.get('content-type') === 'application/json' 
            ? await cloned.json() 
            : await cloned.text());
        return response;

Custom Authorization and Rerouting

Below is an example of how to intercept requests in the builder to attach authorization header and re-route requests to a different endpoint:


  const builder = document.getElementById('aidbox-form-builder');

  builder.fetch = async (url, init) => {
    const headers = new Headers(init.headers);
    const accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
    headers.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`);
    return fetch(`/protected${url}`, {...init, headers});

Custom Questionnaire Storage

Below is example of how to intercept read/write questionnaire request in the builder to make it work with your custom questionnaire storage:


  const builder = document.getElementById('aidbox-form-builder');

  builder.fetch = async (url, init) => {
    if (init.tag === 'get-questionnaire') {
      const id = url.split('/').pop();
      if (id === 'local-questionnaire') {
        let localQuestionnaire = {
          "resourceType": "Questionnaire",
          "id": "local-questionnaire",
        try {
            localQuestionnaire = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('local-questionnaire'));
        } catch (e) {
            // ignore if local questionnaire is not found or invalid
        return new Response(JSON.stringify(localQuestionnaire), { status: 200 });
    } else if (init.tag === 'save-questionnaire') {
      const questionnaire = JSON.parse(init.body);
      if (questionnaire.id === 'local-questionnaire') {
        localStorage.setItem('local-questionnaire', JSON.stringify(questionnaire));
        return new Response(JSON.stringify(questionnaire), { status: 200 });
    // let the builder handle the request
    return null;

Intercept Extraction Result

Below is an example of how to intercept result of the extract operation in the builder:


    const builder = document.getElementById('aidbox-form-builder');
    builder.fetch = async (url, init) => {
        if (init.tag === 'extract') {
          const response = await fetch(url, init);

          if (response.status === 200) {
            const bundle = response.clone().json();
            // do something with the bundle
            console.log('extracted bundle', bundle)
          // return original response
          return response;
        // let the builder handle the request
        return null;

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