External OAuth 2.0 Providers

Aidbox as a Resource Server

We have prepared guides detailing the setup process for the most frequently requested IdP solutions. You may choose to utilize one of these guides, or you can browse down this page and explore that article.

Aidbox can validate access tokens issued by 3rd-party servers. This way Aidbox acts as a Resource Server and leaves Identity management to a separate server.

To configure Aidbox as a Resource Server, you need to create one or more instances of TokenIntrospector resource. TokenIntrospector defines how access token validation is performed. There are two different algorithms to validate tokens:

  1. JWT validation according to RFC-7519

  2. opaque token introspection according to RFC-7662

Validating JWT Access Tokens

For JWT validation, you need to specify either JWKs endpoint URL (RFC-7517) or a pre-shared secret string if tokens are signed with HS256 algorithm:

resourceType: TokenIntrospector
type: jwt
jwks_uri: https://.../.well-known/jwks.json
  iss: https://my-provider.example # shoud be equal to `iss` claim of the JWT
  secret: "xxxxxxxx"               # pre-shared key if JWT alg = HS256

When Aidbox validates the JWT token, it tries to find a matching TokenIntrospector using jwt.iss and type attributes. If suitable TokenIntrospector is found, token is being validated with either JWK obtained from jwks_uri or with jwt.secret, depending on the signing algorithm. Token expiration (exp claim) is also being checked.

If JWT is valid, Aidbox will put it's claims into the request object under jwt key, so you'll be able to access them with AccessPolicy checks. If the token failed validation (it's expired or signature isn't correct) then the client will get a 401 "Unauthorised" response.

Validating Opaque (non-JWT) Tokens

When using old-fashioned (opaque) tokens, Aidbox can be configured to call a special endpoint with every new access token it receives. This endpoint, called a token introspection endpoint, returns information about access token - scopes, username and client ID associated with it, expiration time, etc. Most importantly, it tells if access token is active or not.

To configure Aidbox in this way, create TokenIntrospector instance with opaque type and introspection_endpoint attribute:

resourceType: TokenIntrospector
type: opaque
  url: https://.../oauth/token_introspection  # endpoint URL
  authorization: Bearer xxxyyyzzz             # value for Authorization header

According to RFC-7662, the only required attribute in token introspection's response is active. Aidbox uses this attribute to consider if token is valid or not. If token is valid, entire token introspection's response will be put into the request's object under token key, so you'll be able to use it in AccessPolicy checks. If token isn't valid, Aidbox will try to validate access token against currently active local sessions.


In some situations (like micro-services), you want to add middle-ware client authentication. You can use the X-Client-Auth header with basic auth value for client id and secret to add client authentication to the JWT workflow.

GET /Patient?_debug=query
Authorization: Bearer <your-jwt>
X-Client-Auth: Basic <basicEncode(Client.id, Client,secret)>

# 200

  client: .....
  jwt: ....

Create a user automatically

It works with JWT token introspection only

You can configure Aidbox to create user from access token automatically. When Aidbox encounters token, it tries to resolve a user. And if the user is not found, Aidbox gets user info from the identity provider and creates it.

To configure automatic user creation follow these two steps:

1. Define ENV variable


2. Add identity_provider to the TokenIntrospector resource

# ...
  id: <identity-provider-id>
  resourceType: IdentityProvider
# ...

Here <identity-provider-id> is the id of the IdentityProvider resource which issues tokens.


Access control with Validating JWT Access Tokens and AccessPolicy

Create TokenInspector

resourceType: TokenIntrospector
type: jwt
jwks_uri: https://.../.well-known/jwks.json
  iss: https://my-provider.example # shoud be equal to `iss` claim of the JWT
  secret: "xxxxxxxx"               # pre-shared key if JWT alg = HS256

Your JWT token should contain sub attribute that equal User.id on your box.

# JWT sample
  sub: box-user-id

Also you can put box user id in to box_user claim attribute. This makes sense when you use external oauth provider or any other identity system that manages sub attribute itself. In this case, you can put the box user id in to box_user .

# JWT sample
  sub: some-user-id-on-external-system
  box_user: box-user-id

When Aidbox receives request with JWT and box_user or sub attribute, Aidbox injects this user and their roles to the request. Now we can create some AccessPolicy.

# AccessPolicy example
resourceType: AccessPolicy
engine: allow
  - resourceType: User
    id: box-user-id

How to set-up identity provider

External identity providers

Last updated