
AccessPolicy resources are used to check request objects against a set of rules

AccessPolicy is an Aidbox custom resource representing a set of checks for the request.

If there are no AccessPolicy resources defined in Aidbox, all requests will be denied.

If AccessPolicies exist, Aidbox iterates through them, evaluating each AccessPolicy against the request object. As soon as one of them passes the validation (the evaluation result is true), the request is considered authorized and Aidbox stops further policies evaluation. If all policies fail to validate it (all of them evaluated to false), then Aidbox denies the request and responds with 403 Forbidden.

The structure of the AccessPolicy resource and the request object are described below.

AccessPolicy resource structure

AccessPolicy resource has the following structure:

resourceType: AccessPolicy
description: policy description text

# type of evaluation engine
engine: allow | matcho| sql | json-schema | complex | allow-rpc | matcho-rpc

# engine-specific fields
# e.g. `schema` for `json-schema` engine
schema: {}

# References to either Client, User, or Operation resources
- { resourceType: Operation, id: op-id }
- { resourceType: User, id: user-1 }
- { resourceType: Client, id: client-1 }

It supports various evaluation engines: Allow, JSON Schema, SQL, Matcho, and Complex as well as Allow-RPC and Matcho-RPC. They specify how checks are implemented — with an SQL statement, with a JSON Schema, or as a list of allowed endpoints.

Request object structure

Aidbox evaluates AccessPolicy against a request object that represents an incoming HTTP request. It has the following structure:

# Request method (get/post/put/delete)
request-method: get

# Request scheme (http or https)
scheme: http

# Request URI (no query string)
uri: /fhir/Patient

# Query string
query-string: name=John

# Parsed query-string params merged with URL params extracted by the routing engine
params: {name: John, type: Patient}

# Request body (for POST, PUT or PATCH)
body: null

# Parsed JWT claims (if any)
jwt: {sub: xxxxxxx, jti: xxxxxxx, iss: aidbox, iat: 15409xxxxx, exp: 15409xxxxxa}

# Object containing current User resource (if any)
    patient_id: 42
  id: b66bc7c5-1a56-422f-8cf8-e64469135ce2
  phone: 123-123-123
  resourceType: User
  # ...

# Client’s IP address

# Client resource (if any)
  id: b4930671-410c-462b-8b12-23cdef91af0c
  resourceType: Client
  # ...

# Request headers
headers: {x-original-uri: '/fhir/Patient?name=John' ...}

AccessPolicy instance can be linked to User, Client or Operation resources with field. If AccessPolicy has no links, it’s considered a global policy. To authorize a request, Aidbox uses global policies in addition to all AccessPolicy rules linked to User, Client and Operation associated with the current request.

Performance consideration

Link your policy to User, Client or Operation. Otherwise, it will be evaluated for every request increasing the number of checks.

Signed RPC policy token

You can create policy-token to access RPC without creating an AccessPolicy resource

To do that call aidbox.policy/create-policy-token RPC method:

POST {{base}}/rpc

method: aidbox.policy/create-policy-token
  expiration: 3
        id: doc-1
        id: doc-1

This RPC method will return you a JWT token, which can be used only to call two methods with the params you described:

  • aidbox.sdc/read-document

  • aidbox.sdc/save-document

To make a call RPC with this token, just pass it in the body:

POST {{base}}/rpc

method: aidbox.sdc/read-document
  id: doc-1
policy: <token from previous step>

Last updated