Review of Systems Section


LOINCs: #{"10187-3"}

Alias: review-of-systems

Entries Required: N/A

Internal ID: ReviewofSystemsSection

IG Link


  "title" : "REVIEW OF SYSTEMS",
  "text" : {
    "div" : "\n    <paragraph>\n         Patient denies recent history of fever or malaise. Positive\n         For weakness and shortness of breath. One episode of melena. No recent\n        headaches. Positive for osteoarthritis in hips, knees and hands.\n      </paragraph>\n  ",
    "status" : "generated"
  "code" : {
    "text" : "REVIEW OF SYSTEMS",
    "coding" : [ {
      "code" : "10187-3",
      "display" : "REVIEW OF SYSTEMS",
      "system" : ""
    } ]

C-CDA Equivalent:

   <templateId root=""/>
   <code codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
          displayName="REVIEW OF SYSTEMS"
      <originalText>REVIEW OF SYSTEMS</originalText>
   <title>REVIEW OF SYSTEMS</title>
         Patient denies recent history of fever or malaise. Positive
         For weakness and shortness of breath. One episode of melena. No recent
        headaches. Positive for osteoarthritis in hips, knees and hands.

Last updated

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