First-Class Extensions using Zen

First-class extension as Zen profile

Since the 2405 release, using Aidbox in FHIRSchema mode is recommended, which is incompatible with zen or Entity/Attribute options.

Setup Aidbox with FHIR Schema validation engine

While FHIR uses two different ways to define core elements and extensions, zen profiles provide a unified framework to describe both. Zen FHIR format offers user-defined elements or "first-class extensions". In zen profiles, you can define new attributes (elements) for existing (FHIR) resources. The example below shows how to define extensions in zen profiles.

resourceType: Patient
id: sample-pt
- url:
  - url: text
    valueString: Asian Indian
  - url: ombCategory
       system: urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238
       code: 2028-9
       display: Asian
  - url: detailed
       code: 2029-7	
       display: Asian Indian

Note that extension elements have :confirms to a FHIR primitive or complex type specified. Previously these were specified in the base profile schema. These :confirms and the :fhir/extensionUri are needed to allow zen FHIR <-> FHIR format transformation.

Steps to define first-class extension as zen profile:

  1. Initialize zen project and add additional IGs if necessary.

  2. Define your custom first-class extension. For syntax and more examples refer to this page.

    {ns my-zen-project
     import #{zen.fhir
     {:zen/tags #{zen/schema zen.fhir/profile-schema}
      :zen/desc "Patient resource schema with first-class extension definition examples"
      :zen.fhir/version "0.5.20"
      :confirms #{zen.fhir/Resource}
      :zen.fhir/type "Patient"
      :zen.fhir/profileUri "urn:profile:MyPatientProfile"
      :type zen/map
      :keys {:meta {:type zen/map
                    :keys {:tenant-id
                           {:confirms #{hl7-fhir-r4-core.string/schema}
                            :zen/desc "Patient.meta.tenant-id first-class extension"
                            :fhir/extensionUri "http://tenant-id-extension-url"}}}
             :form {:type zen/vector
                    :zen/desc "Patient.form.[*] array first-class extension"
                    :every {:confirms #{hl7-fhir-r4-core.uri/schema}
                            :fhir/extensionUri "http://patient-form-url"}}
             :info {:type zen/map
                    :zen/desc " nested first-class extension"
                    :fhir/extensionUri "http://patient-info"
                    :keys {:registration {:confirms #{hl7-fhir-r4-core.dateTime/schema}
                                          :zen/desc " 
                                                     extension.url deduced from key"}
                           :referral {:confirms #{hl7-fhir-r4-core.uri/schema}
                                      :fhir/extensionUri "http://patient-info-referral"
                                      :zen/desc "
                                                 extension.url is specified"}}}}}
  3. Fix :zen.fhir/version errors if needed

    To fix this error, provide IG bundle with the matching zen FHIR version.

    Error message example:

    Expected '0.5.8', got '0.4.9'
    path: [:zen.fhir/version]
  4. Define :fhir/extensionUri property value. :fhir/extensionUri "http://tenant-id-extension-url" is an equivalent of the extensionUrl field of the Attribute resource and is used to form FHIR extension.

  5. Replace plain zen type with FHIR type in your extensions. I.e. use :confirms #{hl7-fhir-r4-core.string/schema} instead of :type zen/string.

Last updated