This article outlines operations from the FHIR SDC Implementation Guide.
Implementation corresponds to SDC FHIR IG - 3.0.version 0
Aidbox Forms module supports FHIR SDC operations:
$populatelink - filling out a form with existing data, and return signed link to it (FHIR)
We have created an Aidbox notebook demonstrating different population and extraction methods
We have created an Aidbox notebook demonstrating different population and extraction methods:
Populate Questionnaire - $populate
The populate operation generates a QuestionnaireResponse based on a specific Questionnaire, filling in answers to questions where possible based on information provided as part of the operation or already known by the server about the subject of the Questionnaire.
This implementation supports the Observation based and Expression based population methods.
Parameters are specified via FHIR Parameters type.
A logical questionnaire identifier (i.e. Questionnaire.identifier). The server must know the questionnaire or be able to retrieve it from other known repositories.
The canonical identifier for the questionnaire (optionally version-specific).
The Questionnaire is provided directly as part of the request. Servers may choose not to accept questionnaires in this fashion
The Questionnaire is provided as a resource reference. Servers may choose not to accept questionnaires in this fashion or may fail if they cannot resolve or access the referenced questionnaire.
The resource that is to be the QuestionnaireResponse.subject. The QuestionnaireResponse instance will reference the provided subject. In addition, if the local parameter is set to true, server information about the specified subject will be used to populate the instance.
If specified and set to true (and the server is capable), the server should use what resources and other knowledge it has about the referenced subject when pre-populating answers to questions.
Resources containing information to be used to help populate the QuestionnaireResponse. These will typically be FHIR resources.
Context paramertes are presented as pairs of name
and content
parameters that are placed under the part
They should correspond launchContext parameter definitions.
FHIR SDC launchContext extension enumerates possible context variables, they are:
User in context at launch time
Additionnaly Aidbox expands this list with parameters that mirrors QuestionnaireResponse root properties.
WARN: This is non FHIR SDC compliant behavior!
Paramerters passed directly to QuestionnaireResponse root properties and should not be used in populate expressions.
The name of the launchContext or root Questionnaire variable the passed content should be used as for population purposes. The name SHALL correspond to a launchContext or variable delared at the root of the Questionnaire.
The actual resource (or resources) to use as the value of the launchContext or variable.
Resources that provide context for form processing logic (pre-population) when creating/displaying/editing a QuestionnaireResponse.
in failure case - response is specified as OperationOutcome object.
in success case - response is specified as Parameters object.
Success response shape
The partially (or fully)-populated set of answers for the specified Questionnaire
A list of hints and warnings about problems encountered while populating the questionnaire.
Usage Example
Populate Questionnaire and generate a link - $populatelink
The populatelink operation generates a link to a web page to be used to answer a specified Questionnaire. The form at the specified location will be pre-filled with answers to questions where possible based on information provided as part of the operation or already known by the server about the subject of the Questionnaire.
The base set of parameters is the same as for $populate. On top of that, a few extra parameters are supported by Aidbox Forms.
WARN: The following parameters are not FHIR SDC compliant. This is an extension of the specification.
NOTE: Don't forget to wrap parameters in Parameters object
Whether the generated link will allow amending and re-submitting the form.
Whether the generated link will allow re-populating the form.
NOTE: Repopulate will be working only with forms that contain populate behavior
A URL where the user will be redirected to after successfully submitting the form.
A URL where the user will be redirected to after hitting Save button.
By default
Save button is not visible
- form autosaved after every keystroke. But sometimes it's usefull to close form in a partially-filled state
link expiration time
Link expiration period (days)
By default thir parameter = 7 days
Form theme. QuestionnaireTheme resource id.
Form config. SDCConfig resource id.
Open form in read-only mode.
Application name that will be used in Audit logging when returned link was used.
Audit logging should be enabled via configuartion
in failure case - response is specified as OperationOutcome object containing a link.
in success case - response is specified as Parameters object containing a list of issues.
The URL for the web form that supports capturing the information defined by questionnaire
A list of hints and warnings about problems encountered while populating the questionnaire
Usage Example
Questionnaire response extract to resources - $extract
The extract operation takes a completed QuestionnaireResponse
and extracts it's data to Bundle
of resources by using metadata embedded in the Questionnaire
the QuestionnaireResponse
is based on. The extracted resources might include Observations
, MedicationStatements and other standard FHIR resources which can then be shared and manipulated.
Aidbox supports only the Observation based and Definition based extraction methods.
Current Logic for Observation-based extraction:
A new Observation is created for each Questionnaire Response instance at the time of data extraction.
If a QR is amended (modified after submission), the existing Observations linked to that QR are updated accordingly.
In the future, Aidbox Forms will align with the implementation described in the FHIR Structured Data Capture (SDC) specification.
Current Logic for Definition-based extraction:
Two Options for Resource Extraction:
New Resource: If "new resource" is selected, a new resource is always created during extraction.
Existing Resource: If "existing resource" is selected, the system includes the
extension. This extension can be added either at the root of the Questionnaire or at any item level. It identifies the resource that serves as the context for extraction.
Using itemExtractionContext
: When theitemExtractionContext
is empty, the Questionnaire is used to create a new resource.Populated
: If theitemExtractionContext
contains a resource (or set of resources), the Questionnaire updates the existing resource.
Parameters are specified via FHIR Parameters type.
in failure case - response is specified as OperationOutcome object.
in success case - response is specified as Parameters object.
A list of hints and warnings about problems encountered while extracting the data
Usage Example
ValueSet Expansion - $expand
Value Sets are used to define possible coded answer choices in a questionnaire.
The use of standardized codes is useful when data needs to be populated into the questionnaire or extracted from the questionnaire for other uses.
The expand
operation expand given ValueSet in to set of concepts.
This operation is described in detail here.
Last updated
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