Register users

Current guide shows you how to register users in Smartbox, if you use Aidbox authorization server as a primary one.

Smartbox deals with three user roles: admin, patient and provider. Once you deploy Smartbox

There is also a developer role in Smartbox. Developers live only in sandbox, they do not have direct access to the production smartbox. This guide is focused on production smartbox.

How to register an admin?

Admin is a global resource. It is not attached to any tenant.

In order to register an admin, go to Rest console in Aidbox UI and create a User resource as following

POST /User
content-type: text/yaml

email: <USER_EMAIL>
password: <USER_PASSWORD> # Aidbox will compute hash of the password before storing it
active: true
  givenName: <USER_FIRST_NAME>
  familyName: <USER_LAST_NAME>
- type: operator

How to register a provider?

Providers have access to all patient records within related tenant.

Let us know, if you need to have more granular access control for providers.

If you have a Practitioner resource stored in Aidbox belonging to my-clinic tenant with id pract-1, you may register user you need to create a User resource and link it with the Patient resource.

POST /User
content-type: text/yaml

email: <USER_EMAIL>
password: <USER_PASSWORD> # Aidbox will compute hash of the password before storing it
  id: pract-1
  resourceType: Practitioner
  givenName: <USER_FIRST_NAME>
  familyName: <USER_LAST_NAME>
- type: provider
active: true
    id: my-clinic
    resourceType: Tenant

How to register a patient?

Patients have access only to their own data in Aidbox via SMART app.

If you have a patient record stored in Aidbox belonging to my-clinic tenant with patient id pt-1, you may register user you need to create a User resource and link it with the Patient resource.

POST /User
content-type: text/yaml

email: <USER_EMAIL>
password: <USER_PASSWORD> # Aidbox will compute hash of the password before storing it
  id: pt-1
  resourceType: Patient
  givenName: <USER_FIRST_NAME>
  familyName: <USER_LAST_NAME>
- type: patient
active: true
    id: my-clinic
    resourceType: Tenant

Last updated

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