Flexible RBAC built-in to Aidbox

This article shows how to create a user for a practitioner and allow practitioners to read their own data

Aidbox provides role-based access control mechanism based on access policies and custom Role resource.

Each Role resource assigns a role to a User. AccessPolicy resource has an optional roleName property. Aidbox applies access policy with roleName specified only to users which have the corresponding role assigned.

Create a practitioner

POST /Practitioner

id: pr-1
resourceType: Practitioner
  - given:
      - John

Create a user

Aidbox does not store any role information in a User resource. So create a user as usual.

POST /User

id: user-1
password: password
resourceType: User

Create a Role resource

Role name is a string that defines role. You don't need to declare it explicitly. Role resource links a role and a user.

Role resource has an optional links property which specifies related resources. Aidbox does not assign any special meaning to this property. Additionally, Role is an open resource so you can add any information to it.

You can put any additional data into context property.

Create a Role resource which assigns a role to the user we created.

POST /Role

id: practioner-role-user-1
resourceType: Role
  id: user-1
  resourceType: User
name: practitioner
    id: pr-1
    resourceType: 'Practitioner'

If you need to assign same role to multiple users then just create multiple Role resources with same name property.

Create an access policy

AccessPolicy resource has a roleName property. This property specifies the role name for the policy. Access policy with a role name is applied only users with the corresponding role.

Create an AccessPolicy which allows practitioners to read their own data

POST /AccessPolicy

id: practitioner-role
resourceType: AccessPolicy

roleName: practitioner
engine: matcho
  uri: '#/Practitioner/.*'
  request-method: get
    resource/id: .role.links.practitioner.id

Try it

Log in as user-1.

Read your data

GET /Practitioner/pr-1

Aidbox returns you a Practitioner resource.

What's going on here

When you make a query

GET /Practitioner/pr-1

Aidbox router stores data in the request object:

  • Uri /Practitioner/pr-1 in the uri property.

  • Method get in the request-method property.

  • path parameter pr-1 in the params.resource/id property.

Aidbox applies access policy with roleName property only if a role with corresponding name is assigned to user. In this case Aidbox adds the corresponding Role resource to the role property of the request object.

Access policy engine evaluates request object. And here it checks that params.resource/id property is equal to role.links.practitioner.id property.

You can inspect request object using __debug query parameter.

Role resource schema

desc: User role
    type: string
    isRequired: true
    search: { name: name, type: string }
    type: string
    type: Reference
    isRequired: true
    refers: [ User ]
    search: { name: user, type: reference }
        type: Reference
        refers: [ Patient ]
        type: Reference
        refers: [ PractitionerRole ]
        type: Reference
        refers: [ Practitioner ]
        type: Reference
        refers: [ Organization ]
        type: Reference
        refers: [ Person ]
        type: Reference
        refers: [ RelatedPerson ]
  context: { isOpen: true }

Last updated