
Aidbox offers the partial support of FHIR _filter API. However, we tend to use other search capabilities like AidboxQuery, SearchQuery, or Search resource for complex queries. They offer better expressiveness with SQL and better performance.

Supported operators

* token search is case sensitive

** number search doesn't support implicit precision

*** support only numbers, not system with code

Chaining, dot expressions

Aidbox supports forward chained search parameters in _filter query and dot expressions.


# returns patient with specific id
GET /fhir/Patient?_filter=id eq 'pt-2'

# returns patients with name that contain specific substring e.g. Smith
GET /fhir/Patient?_filter=name co 'smi'

# returns patients with address.city starting with provided string, e.g. London
GET /fhir/Patient?_filter=address-city sw 'Lon'

# returns all patients with birthdate >= (<=) provided date
GET /fhir/Patient?_filter=birthdate ge 1996-06-06
GET /fhir/Patient?_filter=birthdate le 1996-06-06

Logical expressions support

You can compose logical expressions using parentheses

GET /fhir/Patient?_filter=(name co 'smi' or name co 'fed') or name co 'unex'

Forward chains

Aidbox requires to specify chain targets explicitly:

GET /fhir/Patient?_filter=(organization:Organization.name eq 'myorg')

Dot expressions

GET /fhir/Patient?_filter=.name.0.family eq 'Doe'
GET /fhir/Patient?_filter=.name isnull true

Last updated