
Do multiple operations in one call


Transaction interaction allows for several interactions using one HTTP request. There are two types of transaction interaction (type is specified by field type): batch and transaction. The first one executes requests one by one, and the second one does the same but rolls back all changes if any request fails.

POST [base]

The body of such a request contains one resource of type Bundle, which contains field entry with an array of interactions, for example:

POST /fhir
Accept: text/yaml
Content-Type: text/yaml

type: transaction
- resource: {}
    method: PUT
    url: "/Practitioner/pr1"
- request:
    method: GET
    url: "/Patient"
- resource:
    id: admin123
    email: ""
    password: "password"
    method: POST
    url: "/User"

Each element of the entry array contains a resource field (body of the request) and a request field (request line in terms of the HTTP request).

resource: # not needed for DELETE and GET
  # resource here

fullUrl: "something-here" # needed if you want to refer
                          # the resource inside bundle
  url: "/ResourceType" # request url

Processing rules and Conditional refs

Transaction interactions are processed in the order provided in a bundle; each interaction is executed one by one. This differs from the FHIR transaction processing rules.

For type: batch references to resources inside a bundle won't be resolved.

For type: transaction before processing interactions, all references in a resource will attempt to resolve. In this example, ProcedureRequest will refer to a newly created patient:

POST /fhir
Accept: text/yaml
Content-Type: text/yaml

type: transaction
- resource:
    resourceType: Patient
  fullUrl: urn:uuid:<uuid-here>
    method: POST
    url: "/Patient?_identifier=mrn:123"
- resource:
    resourceType: Encounter
    status: proposal
      uri: urn:uuid:<uuid-here>
    method: POST
    url: "/Encounter"

You can provide a full URL with values like "urn:<uuid-here>" and reference to the resource created by such interaction using ref: {uri: "urn:<uuid-here>"}. Those references are temporary and will be translated to valid Aidbox references when interaction entry is processed by a server.

You SHALL NOT refer resource, which is created later using conditional operations!

Multiple resources with the same id

If you have multiple entries with the same resource id, Aidbox will execute them one by one and thus you can create a resource with a history within a single transaction:

POST /fhir
Accept: text/yaml
Content-Type: text/yaml

resourceType: Bundle
type: transaction
- request: {method: PUT, url: '/Patient/pt-1'}
  resource: {birthDate: '2021-01-01'}
- request: {method: PUT, url: '/Patient/pt-1'}
  resource: {birthDate: '2021-01-02'}
- request: {method: PUT, url: '/Patient/pt-1'}
  resource: {birthDate: '2021-01-03'}
GET /fhir/Patient/pt-1
Accept: text/yaml
GET /fhir/Patient/pt-1/_history
Accept: text/yaml
Content-Type: text/yaml

resourceType: Bundle
type: history
total: 3
- resource: {birthDate: '2021-01-03', id: pt-1, resourceType: Patient}
- resource: {birthDate: '2021-01-02', id: pt-1, resourceType: Patient}
- resource: {birthDate: '2021-01-01', id: pt-1, resourceType: Patient}

Change transaction isolation level

By default Aidbox uses SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation level. This may lead to some transactions being rejected when there are many concurrent requests.

See more about transaction isolation in Postgres documentation.

The best way to handle rejected transactions is to retry them. If it is not possible, you can set the maximum isolation level with the HTTP header or environment variable. If both the HTTP header and environment variable are provided, the header will be used.

Using an isolation level lower than serializable may lead to data serialization anomalies.


POST /fhir
x-max-isolation-level: read-committed
content-type: text/yaml
accept: text/yaml

resourceType: Bundle
type: transaction
  - request:
      method: PUT
      url: "/Patient/pt-1"
      active: true
  - request:
      method: PUT
      url: "/Patient/pt-2"
      active: false

Last updated