Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

This article shows how to create a user for a practitioner and allow practitioners to read patients data.

Aidbox provides role-based access control mechanism based on access policies and Role resource.

Each Role resource assigns a role to a User. AccessPolicy resource has an optional roleName property. Aidbox applies access policy with roleName specified only to users which have the corresponding role assigned.

Guide: flexible RBAC

Flexible RBAC built-in to Aidbox

Create a patient

POST /Patient

id: pt-1
resourceType: Patient

  - given:
      - John

Create a user

Create a user containing practitioner role.

POST /User

id: user-1
resourceType: User
  - value: practitioner

Create an access policy

Create an access policy which allows practitioners to read patients data.

POST /AccessPolicy

id: practitioner-role
resourceType: AccessPolicy
engine: matcho
      - value: practitioner
  uri: '#/Patient/.*'
  request-method: get

Please note that if you like to add multiple request methods when using matcho engine you should use $one-of notation:

  - get
  - post
  - put

Try it

Log in as user-1.

Read patient data

GET /Patient/pt-1

Aidbox will return you a Patient resource.

What's going on here

When you make a query

GET /Patient/pt-1

Aidbox router stores data in the request object:

  • Uri /Patient/pt-1 in the uri property.

  • Method get in the request-method property.

  • User data in user property. In particular user.roles[].value contains user roles.

Access policy engine evaluates request object. And here it checks that user.roles[].value property contains practitioner string.

You can inspect request object using __debug query parameter.

Last updated