Aidbox Search Parameters

Aidbox Search Parameters will be ignored if Aidbox operates with the FHIR Schema validator engine. Please contact us if you need assistance migrating to FHIR Search Parameters.

If you want to migrate from Aidbox SearchParameter to FHIR SearchParameter see this guide.

You can define custom search params by just creating SearchParameter resource. Let's say you want to search patient by city:

PUT /SearchParameter/

name: city
type: token
resource: {id: Patient, resourceType: Entity}
expression: [[address, city]]

Now let's test new search parameter

GET /Patient?city=New-York

# resourceType: Bundle
type: searchset
entry: [...]
total: 10
- | 
  SELECT "patient".* FROM "patient" 
  WHERE ("patient".resource @> '{"address":[{"city":"NY"}]}')

Aidbox format example

Be aware of the Aidbox format in "expression".

In this example, the ["value", "string"] expression is used to look into FHIR valueString field:

PUT /fhir/SearchParameter/Observation.value-string
content-type: application/json
accept: application/json

  "name": "value-string",
  "type": "string",
  "resource": {
    "id": "Observation",
    "resourceType": "Entity"
  "expression": [
     "value", "string" 
  "id": "Observation.value-string",
  "resourceType": "SearchParameter"

Define custom SearchParameter with extension

If you have defined first-class extension, you have to use Aidbox format for the SearchParameter expression. If you use FHIR format, you don't need to create Attribute and the expression path should be in FHIR format.

PUT /Attribute/ServiceRequest.precondition

resourceType: Attribute
description: "The condition or state of the patient, prior or during the diagnostic procedure or test, for example, fasting, at-rest, or post-operative. This captures circumstances that may influence the measured value and have bearing on the interpretation of the result."
resource: {id: ServiceRequest, resourceType: Entity}
path: [precondition]
id: ServiceRequest.precondition
type: {id: CodeableConcept, resourceType: Entity}
isCollection: true
extensionUrl: ""

If you use Zen IG then first-class extensions are generated from zen-schemas. You have to use Aidbox format for the custom SearchParameter expression (check tab #3 in the example above).

Last updated

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