SQL endpoints


GET <base-url>/$sql

Execute SQL in Aidbox

Request Body




JSON: SQL string or jdbc friendly array [SQL, param, param]

Example request:

POST /$sql?_format=yaml

SELECT count(*) FROM patient

# Response 
# - {count: 7}

SQL migrations

Aidbox provides POST and GET /db/migrations operations to enable SQL migrations, which can be used to migrate/transform data, create helper functions, views etc.

POST /db/migrations accepts array of {id,sql} objects. If the migration with such id wasn't executed, execute it. Execution will be stopped on the first exception. This operation returns only freshly executed migrations. It means that if there are no pending migrations, you will get an empty array in the response body.

POST /db/migrations

- id: remove-extensions-from-patients
  sql: |
    update patient set resource = resource - 'extension'
- id: create-policy-helper
  sql: |
    create function patient_for_user(u jsonb) returns jsonb 
    as $$
        select resource || jsonb_build_object('id', id)
           from patient
           where id = u#>>'{data,patient_id}'
    $$ language sql

-- first run response
- id: remove-extensions-from-patients
  sql: ...
- id: create-policy-helper
  sql: ...
-- second run response

For your application you can keep migrations.yaml file under source control. Add new migrations to the end of this file when this is required. With each deployment you can ensure migrations are applied on your server using a simple script like this:

curl -X POST \
  --data-binary @migrations.yaml \
  -H "Content-type: text/yaml" \
  -u $client_id:$client_secret \

By GET /db/migrations you can introspect which migrations were already applied on the server:

GET /db/migrations

-- resp
- id: remove-extensions-from-patients
  ts: <timestamp>
  sql: ...
- id: create-policy-helper
  ts: <timestamp>
  sql: ...

Last updated

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