
The Bundle resource is a container for a collection of resources and optionally additional info

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The Bundle resource is a resource which groups multiple resources in one. It is important to differentiate Bundle resource and operation which take or return Bundles.

Let's look at some operations working with Bundle resources.

  • POST / , POST /fhir Main article: Batch/Transaction. This operation accepts Bundle resource (with type batch or transaction); executes contained requests; then returns Bundle resource in response (with type batch-response or transaction-response). Operation POST / accepts and return Bundle in Aidbox format; operation POST /fhir accepts and returns Bundle in FHIR format.

  • GET /<resourceType>, GET /fhir/<resourceType> Main article: Search This operation searches for resource of type resourceType using search parameters provided in query string, and returns Bundle resource (with type searchset) containing all resources matching the given filters.

  • GET /<resourceType>/<id>/_history, GET /fhir/<resourceType>/<id>/_history Main article: History This operation returns the Bundle resource (with type history) containing previous versions of the specified resource.

  • GET /<resourceType>/_history, GET /fhir/<resourceType>/_history Main article: History This operations returns the Bundle resource (with type history) containing previous versions of resources with the specified type.

  • CRUD operations with Bundle resource Main article: CRUD These are the usual FHIR CRUD operations with Bundle resource. They only store/update/get/search Bundle resources without additional semantics. These operations are rarely used. Examples: POST /Bundle, GET /Bundle, GET /Bundle/<id>, PUT /Bundle, POST /fhir/Bundle, GET /fhir/Bundle, GET /fhir/Bundle/<id>, PUT /fhir/Bundle/<id>

See more about the difference between Aidbox and FHIR formats (/... and /fhir/... endpoints) in the Aidbox & FHIR formats page.

POST / , POST /fhir endpoint

Aidbox supports FHIR batch and transaction interactions, as well as some additional options to this endpoint.

Same as with other endpoint, POST / accepts and returns Bundle in Aidbox format, while POST /fhir accepts and returns Bundle in FHIR format.

content-type: text/yaml
accept: text/yaml

resourceType: Bundle
type: <type>

Behavior of the endpoint depends on the type of a bundle resource provided in a request body.

Supported type values:

  • transaction Executes provided rest requests in a transaction. In case of an entry execution error the whole transaction is rolled back and the error is returned in the response. Returns transaction-response type bundle.

  • batch Executes provided rest requests, execution doesn't stop on error, all results and errors are returned in the response. Returns batch-response type bundle.

  • collection Works the same way as the batch type, but does PUT /<resourceType>/<id> for each resource in entry. Returns batch-response type bundle.

Validate Bundle

To validate bundle without storing it content, use Bundle/$validate operation.

POST /fhir/Bundle/$validate
content-type: application/json
accept: application/json

 "resourceType": "Bundle",
 "type": "message",
 // ...

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