IG Package from Aidbox Registry
Instructions for uploading the FHIR Implementation Guide from the Aidbox Registry in the Aidbox UI
Aidbox has its own registry of IG packages with guaranteed uptime. The content of the registry is synchronized daily, fetching available public packages.
You can explore the list of available packages in the registry here:
Aidbox FHIR IGs Registry1. Run Aidbox with FHIR Schema Validation Engine
Setup Aidbox with FHIR Schema validation engine2. Open the Aidbox UI
Navigate to the FHIR Packages page
Go to the Import FHIR Package sidebar section
Choose a package via the dropdown from the "Choose packages from the registry" section
Click on Submit button
Other methods for loading IGs here:
Upload FHIR Implementation GuideLast updated
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