Mappings with lisp/mapping

Aidbox provides the ability to convert data dynamically using lisp/mapping in your configuration. This is used in the HL7 v2 pipeline and some API constructor operations.

In order to create mapping, you need to declare a definition with lisp/mapping tag and write a structure with :mapping key, using lisp expressions in places where data will be calculated dynamically from the passed structure. It also allow to define an optional parameter :data-schema, which should be tagged as zen/schema and allows to validate the input data.

 {:zen/tags #{zen/schema}
  :type zen/map
  :values {:type zen/any}}
 {:zen/tags #{lisp/mapping}
  :mapping  {:resourceType "Bundle"
             :type "transaction"
             :entry [{:resource {:resourceType "Patient"}
                      :request {:method "PUT"
                                :url "/Patient/zero"}}

                     {:resource {:resourceType "Observation"
                                 :status "final"
                                 :code {:coding [{:system ""
                                                  :code "8867-4"
                                                  :display "Respiratory rate"}]
                                        :text "Breathing Rate"}
                                 :subject {:reference "Patient/zero"}
                                 :effectiveDateTime (get-in [:br 0 :dateTime]),
                                 :valueQuantity   {
                                                   :value (get-in [:br 0 :value :breathingRate]),
                                                   :unit "breaths/minute",
                                                   :system "",
                                                   :code "/min"}}
                      :request {:method "POST"
                                :url "/Observation"}}]}
    :data-schema my-data-schema ;; Optional


Passed structure

{:br [{:value {:breathingRate 18.1}
       :dateTime "2022-11-15"}]}


{:type "transaction-response"
   {:id "zero"
    :resourceType "Patient"}}
    {:code "/min",
     :unit "breaths/minute",
     :value 17.8,
     :system ""},
    :resourceType "Observation",
    :effectiveDateTime "2021-10-25",
    :status "final",
    {:text "Breathing Rate",
     [{:code "8867-4",
       :system "",
       :display "Respiratory rate"}]},
    :subject {:reference "Patient/zero"}},}]}

In the provided example, mapping is used to create a Bundle with dynamically calculated Observation.valueQuantity.value and Obsevation.effectiveDateTime FHIR properties.

Last updated

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