
ViewDefinition structure


Name of view definition (computer and database friendly) sql-name: Name is limited to letters, numbers, or underscores and cannot start with an underscore โ€” i.e. with a regular expression of: ^[^][A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]+$

ัonstant (optional)

Contact details for the publisher. Defined as an array of elemtents that contain the following elements:

  • name โ€” Name of constant (referred to in FHIRPath as %[name]). Name is limited to letters, numbers, or underscores and cannot start with an underscore โ€” i.e. with a regular expression of: ^[^][A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]+$

  • value โ€” Value of constant.


A collection of columns and nested selects to include in the view. Defined as an array of elements with a following structure:

  • column โ€” A column to be produced in the resulting table. Contains the following elements:

    • path โ€” FHIRPath expression that creates a column and defines its content. Supports a subset of FHIRPath described in FHIRPath expressions.

    • name โ€” Column name produced in the output.

  • select (optional) โ€” Nested select relative to a parent expression.

  • forEach (optional) โ€” A FHIRPath expression to retrieve the parent element(s) used in the containing select. The default is effectively $this. Can't be set when forEachOrNull is set.

  • forEachOrNull (optional) โ€” Same as forEach, but will produce a row with null values if the collection is empty. Can't be set when forEach is set.

FHIRPath expressions

SQL on FHIR engine supports a subset of FHIRPath funcitons:

  • where โ€” returns a collection containing only those elements in the input collection for which the stated criteria expression evaluates to true. Elements for which the expression evaluates to false or empty ({ }) are not included in the result.

  • exists โ€” returns true if the collection has any elements, and false otherwise. This is the opposite of empty(), and as such is a shorthand for empty().not(). If the input collection is empty ({ }), the result is false.

  • empty โ€” returns true if the input collection is empty ({ }) and false otherwise.

  • extension โ€” will filter the input collection for items named "extension" with the given url. This is a syntactical shortcut for .extension.where(url = string), but is simpler to write. Will return an empty collection if the input collection is empty or the url is empty.

  • join โ€” the join function takes a collection of strings and joins them into a single string, optionally using the given separator.

  • ofType โ€” returns a collection that contains all items in the input collection that are of the given type or a subclass thereof. If the input collection is empty ({ }), the result is empty.

  • first โ€” returns a collection containing only the first item in the input collection. This function is equivalent to item[0], so it will return an empty collection if the input collection has no items.

  • Boolean operators: and, or, not.

  • Math operators: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/).

  • Comparison operators: equals (=), not equals (!=), greater than (>), less or equal (<=).

Detailed explanation

exists([criteria: expression]) : Boolean

Returns true if the collection has any elements, and false otherwise. Also, this function takes one optional criteria which will be applied to the collection prior to the determination of the exists. If any element meets the criteria then true will be returned.

For example we have two patients:

First patient:

  name: [{
    given: [ 'Lael' ]

Second patient:

  name: [{
    given: [ 'Anastasia', 'Nastya' ]

The following FHIRPath expression will show patient names that contain given name 'Anastasia':$this = 'Anastasia')

The result of expression will be:




empty() : Boolean

Returns true if the input colleciton is empty and false otherwise.

extension(url: string) : collection

Will filter the input collection for items named "extension" with the given url. This is a syntactical shortcut for .extension.where(url = string), but is simpler to write. Will return an empty collection if the input collection is empty or the url is empty.


Returns the field id of input element. One optional string argument may be provided to get IDs of resources whose type is equal to the argument

For example we have two observations:

First observation:

  subject: {
    id: pt1,
    resourceType: Patient

Second observation:

  subject: {
    id: gr1,
    resourceType: Group

The following FHIRPath expression will show ID of subject object if resourceType equals to 'Patient':


The result of expression will be:




join([separator: String]) : String

The join function takes a collection of strings and joins them into a single string, optionally using the given separator.

If the input is empty, the result is empty.

If no separator is specified, the strings are directly concatenated.

First patient:

  name: [{
    given: [ 'Lael' ]

Second patient:

  name: [{
    given: [ 'Anastasia', 'Nastya' ]

The following expression will concatenate elements in one string separated with provided string argument:';')

The result will be:




ofType(type: type specifier) : collection

Returns a collection that contains all items in the input collection that are of the given type or a subclass thereof. If the input collection is empty, the result is empty. The type argument is an identifier that must resolve to the name of a type in a model.

first() : collection

Returns a collection containing only the first item in the input collection. This function is equivalent to item[0], so it will return an empty collection if the input collection has no items.

where(criteria: expression) : collection

Returns a collection containing only those elements in the input collection for which the stated criteria expression evaluates to true. Elements for which the expression evaluates to false or empty are not included in the result.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

First patient:

  name: [{
    given: [ 'Lael' ],
    family: 'Gitya'

Second patient:

  name: [{
    given: [ 'Anastasia', 'Nastya' ],
    family: 'Smith'

The following expression will filter patients with names that contain 'Nastya', and their family name will be returned:$this = 'Nastya')).family

The result will be:




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