Tutorial: produce QuestionnaireResponse to Kafka topic


Step 1: Set Up the Environment

Clone GitHub repository

git clone https://github.com/Aidbox/app-examples
cd app-examples/aidbox-subscriptions-to-kafka

Set Up Aidbox

  1. Copy the .env.tpl file to .env:

    cp .env.tpl .env
  2. Get a self-hosted Aidbox license on the Aidbox Portal.

  3. Add the license key (AIDBOX_LICENSE) to the .env file.

Run Aidbox, Kafka & Kafka UI

docker compose up

The Docker Compose file initializes the environment for both Kafka and Aidbox with the following configuration:

  • Imports FHIR Questionnaire (see init-aidbox service).

  • Creates a Kafka topic for QuestionnaireResponse (see init-kafka service).

Step 2: Set Up Subscription and Destination

Create AidboxSubscriptionTopic Resource

To create a subscription on the QuestionnaireResponse resource that has a specific status, open Aidbox UI -> APIs -> REST Console and execute the following request:

POST /fhir/AidboxSubscriptionTopic
content-type: application/json
accept: application/json

  "resourceType": "AidboxSubscriptionTopic",
  "url": "http://example.org/FHIR/R5/SubscriptionTopic/QuestionnaireResponse-topic",
  "status": "active",
  "trigger": [
      "resource": "QuestionnaireResponse",
      "fhirPathCriteria": "status = 'completed' or status = 'amended'"

This resource describes the data source for the subscription but doesn't execute any activities from Aidbox.

Create TopicDestination Resource

Creating this resource establishes a connection to the Kafka server. When the system produces an event, it will be processed to the specified Kafka topic.

POST /fhir/TopicDestination
content-type: application/json
accept: application/json

  "meta": {
    "profile": [
  "kind": "kafka",
  "id": "kafka-destination",
  "topic": "http://example.org/FHIR/R5/SubscriptionTopic/QuestionnaireResponse-topic",
  "parameter": [
      "name": "kafkaTopic",
      "valueString": "aidbox-forms"
      "name": "bootstrap.servers",
      "valueString": "kafka:29092"

Step 3: Demonstration

Submit Form

Open the list of forms, click share -> click attach -> copy the link -> open the link -> fill out the form, and submit it.

Check TopicDestination Status

Open the Aidbox REST Console and get the TopicDestination status:

GET /fhir/TopicDestination/kafka-destination/$status

Check Messages in Kafka UI

Open Kafka UI -> Topics -> aidbox-forms -> messages and review the QuestionnaireResponse that was created after submitting the form.

Last updated