Form DSL

Form DSL used just to bind all DSLs to one item.

Form DSL example:

 {:zen/tags   #{aidbox.sdc/Form}
  :title      "Vitals Signs"
  :properties {:teams #{"physician" "surgery"}}
  :document   VitalsDocument
  :layout     VitalsLayout
  :launch     VitalsLaunch
  :finalize   VitalsFinalize}

Properties for Conversion

You can convert Form to Questionnaire, and for that you are able to add some metadata for for your form.

There are some predifined properties for that:

All these properties correspodents FHIR Questionnaire's root level fields

All properties are optional - but, if you want to save converted Questionnaire to it's resource table you should specify :fhir/id property

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