Automatically archive AuditEvent resources in GCP storage guide

Follow step-by-step guide to configure scheduled archive operation:

  1. Create GCPServiceAccount resource.

  2. Define your scheduler rule with create-archive task as :task-request parameter. Check Scheduler API and create-archive documentation for more information. This rule means that Scheduler API will archive all AuditEvent resources that are older than 30 days every day at 2 am into GCP Cloud Storage.

     {:zen/tags #{awf.scheduler/rule}
      :schedule "0 2 * * *"
      :task- {:definition aidbox.archive/create-archive
                     :params {:targetResourceType    "AuditEvent"
                              :history               false
                              :criteriaPaths         ["recorded"]
                              :retentionPeriod       {:value  30
                                                      :unit   "day"}
                              :storageBackend        "gcp"
                              :serviceAccount        {:id "my-account"
                                                      :resourceType "GcpServiceAccount"}
                              :bucket                "aidbox-archive"
                              :pruneArchivedData     false}}}
  3. Define your scheduler service if it is not already defined in your configuration. Include created rule in scheduler-service :rules property.

     {:zen/tags #{aidbox/service}
      :engine   awf.scheduler/task-scheduler-service-engine
      :rules    #{archive-every-day}}
  4. Include task, executor and scheduler services in your Aidbox service configuration if they are not already included in your configuration.

     {:zen/tags #{aidbox/system}
      :services {:task-service awf.task/task-service
                 :scheduler-service scheduler-service
                 :aidbox-long-pool-executor-service awf.executor/aidbox-long-pool-executor-service}}
  5. Restart Aidbox.

  6. Check if new scheduler rules created in Scheduler UI:

Full configuration for this guide:

{ns     aidbox-with-task
 import #{aidbox awf.task awf.executor aidbox.archive awf.scheduler}

 {:zen/tags #{awf.scheduler/rule}
  :schedule "0 2 * * *"
 {:definition aidbox.archive/create-archive
                 :params {:targetResourceType    "AuditEvent"
                          :history               false
                          :criteriaPaths         ["recorded"]
                          :retentionPeriod       {:value  30
                                                  :unit   "day"}
                          :storageBackend        "gcp"
                          :serviceAccount        {:id "my-account"
                                                  :resourceType "GcpServiceAccount"}
                          :bucket                "aidbox-archive"
                          :pruneArchivedData     false}}}

 {:zen/tags #{aidbox/service}
  :engine   awf.scheduler/task-scheduler-service-engine
  :rules    #{archive-every-day}}

 {:zen/tags #{aidbox/system}
  :services {:task-service awf.task/task-service
             :scheduler-service scheduler-service
             :aidbox-long-pool-executor-service awf.executor/aidbox-long-pool-executor-service}}

Last updated

Change request #2416: