Check email templates

This guide explains how you can check all your email templates

Send all populated templates to your email

POST /rpc
content-type: text/yaml

method: smartbox.portal.rpc/send-email-templates
  email: '' # emails are sent to this email address

Send a certain populated template

POST /rpc
content-type: text/yaml

method: smartbox.portal.rpc/send-email-templates
  email: ''
  template_id: 'reset-user-password' # the only template being sent

The list of available email templates can be found here.

  1. By default, the RPC method smartbox.portal.rpc/send-email-templates is not publicly accessible. Use Aidbox Rest Console to send the RPC requests

  2. By default,admin user doesn't have name.givenName and name.familyName properties. If your template expects such properties, you should add it

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