How to convert FHIR Questionnaire to Aidbox Forms and back

You can use Aidbox to convert

  • FHIR Questionnaires to Aidbox Forms

  • Aidbox Forms to FHIR Questionnaires (with some limitations)

  • SDCDocument to FHIR QuestionnaireResponse resource.

You can use Aidbox Form API

Optional features

Aidbox Forms supports

  • automatic Form convertion to Questionnaire resource on Aidbox startup.

  • automatic SDCDocument convertion to QuestionnaireResponse resource on SDCDocument save.

These features can be configure via api-constructor in zen-project.

You need to configure your aidbox/system with sdc-service and it's configuration.


Your zen-project entrypoint namespace (box.edn for example)

 {:zen/tags #{aidbox/system}
  :zen/desc "test server"
  :services {:sdc sdc-service}}

Forms conversion on startup

For forms conversion you should set [:conversion :convert-forms-on-start] property to true


 {:zen/tags   #{aidbox/service}
  :engine     aidbox.sdc/service
  :conversion {:convert-forms-on-start true}}

You need to restart aidbox to take effect of changed configuration

Document conversion on save

For Document conversion you should set [:conversion :convert-doc-on-save] property to true


 {:zen/tags   #{aidbox/service}
  :engine     aidbox.sdc/service
  :conversion {:convert-doc-on-save true}}

You need to restart aidbox to take effect of changed configuration

After that - every document changes will be reflected in QuestionnaireResponse resources.

NOTE: id of converted QuestionnaireResponse will be the same as id of SDCDocument.

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