Aidbox subscriptions module is a way to subscribe and get notifications about updating resources on the server. It is a common denominator of FHIR R4/R5 subscriptions specification with some extensions.
This module introduces two new resources into Aidbox:
SubsSubscription — meta-resource which binds events (create/update/delete resource) with a communication channel through which subscriber is notified about changes.
SubsNotification — resource which represents notification with its status (sent or not).
Aidbox doesn't delete SubsNotification resources by itself. The simple way to implement a retention policy is to create a cron job. Let us know if there is a more clear way.
Your service can register subscription by POST SubsSubscription resource:
POST /SubsSubscriptionAccept:text/yamlContent-Type:text/yamlid:myservice-subsstatus:active# 'active' is default, if 'off' - subscription is disabled# Subscribe to all changes of Patient and Person resourcestrigger:# resource typePatient:event: ['all'] # can be all | create | update | delete# collection of filtersfilter:# use matcho engine to filter resources - matcho: { active:true }Person:event: ['all']# how to deliver notificationschannel:type:rest-hook# url to send hookendpoint:https://myservice/subs/patient# headers to add to request (for consistency use lowercase names)headers:Authorization:Bearer <......># recomended timeout for web hook in ms, server may use it's owntimeout:1000payload:# this is default value, you can use id-onlycontent:full-resource# full-resource | id-only# means aidbox format, or fhir+json to get resource in FHIR formatcontentType:json# json | fhir+json
Trigger format
Subscription.trigger is a key-value object, where key is resource type and each value can contain a collection of events (values can be 'all', 'create', 'update', 'delete') and .filter collection. For now filter support matcho engine (FHIRPath and FHIR Search filters are coming soon):
Filter matches if at least one of item in the collection matches, i.e. collection has or semantic.
After you registered subscription, Aidbox sends on channel.endpoint handshake notification in json format. It's good if your service responds with status: 200
POST https://myservice/subs/patientContent-Type:application/json... channel.headers ...{"type":"handshake","subscription": { ...SubsSubscription resource content... }}
On every trigger event Aidbox will send a notification to your service endpoint. Your service has to respond with status: 200 and optional json body.
POST https://myservice/subs/patientContent-Type:application/json... channel.headers ...{"id":<unique-id>,"type":"notification","event":"create",# update | delete"resource": {"resourceType":"Patient",..... }}
Results of all notifications are logged into SubsNotification resource:
GET /SubsNotificationAccept:text/yaml---id:<unique-id>subscription: { id:'myservice-subs',resourceType:SubsSubscription }duration:23# hook duration in msstatus:success# failnotification:<notification content>response:<response content if present>
You can force a handshake notification for the specific subscription with:
POST /SubsSubscription/<sub-id>/$handshakeAccept:text/yaml# responseresourceType:SubsNotificationnotification:type:handshakedebug:truesubscription:...subscription: {resourceType:SubsSubscription,id:<sub-id>}duration:1status:failederror: {message:Connection refused}
To debug subscription notifications, you can send debug messages with:
POST /SubsSubscription/<sub-id>/$debugAccept:text/yamlContent-Type:text/yamlid:notif-idevent:createtype:notificationresource:resourceType:Patientid:pt-1# responseresourceType:SubsNotificationnotification:type:notificationresource: {id:pt-1,resourceType:Patient}debug:truesubscription: {resourceType:SubsSubscription,id:<sub-id>}duration:1status:failederror: {message:Connection refused}
SubsNotification/$notify (not implemented yet)
Or you can send a list of notifications by providing a list of search params:
POST /SubsNotification/$notify?_id=id-1,id-2,id-3
You can resend the specific notification with
POST /SubsNotification/<notif-id>/$notifyAccept:text/yaml# responsestatus:...duration:...notification:....response:...
/subs/webhook (not implemented yet)
You can subscribe one instance of Aidbox to notifications from another instance and replicate data between boxes by using /subs/webhook/<source-id> endpoint:
POST /SubsSubscriptionAccept:text/yamlContent-Type:text/yamlid:box-replicationstatus:activetrigger:Patient: { event: ['all'] }channel:type:rest-hookendpoint:<other-box-url>/subs/webhook/box-1headers:Authorization:Bearer <token>