Multibox box manager API

Multibox box life cycle RPC methods

Please start a discussion or contact us if you have question, feedback or suggestions.

Multibox box manager API uses Aidbox JSON RPC API.

Multibox API is accessible on the box manager URL. Please use an external REST client to access your Multibox server.

RPC methods available


List FHIR versions supported by the server. One of these values must be used in multibox/create-box.


Create a new box for the current user.

  • id (required): id of the box to create. Must match /[a-z][a-z0-9]{4,}/

  • fhirVersion (required): FHIR version. Value must be from the multibox/versions response.

  • description: description of the box to create.

  • env: object with environment variables in lower-kebab-case (not in UPPER_SNAKE_CASE).


List boxes available for the current user.

Expects no parameters


Get box information.

id (required): id of the box


This operation will drop the box database. Can not be undone!

Delete a box

id (required): id of the box


Drop cache in every box

expects no parameters.

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