_include, _revinclude, _with

Include associated resources


Syntax for the _include search parameter:


Here search-param is a name of the search parameter with the type reference defined for source-type.

This query can be interpreted in the following manner. For the source-type resources in the result include all target-type resources, which are referenced by the search-param. If you skip the source-type, it will be set to the resource-type you are searching for:

GET /Encounter?_include=subject:Patient 
=> GET /Encounter?_include=Encounter:subject:Patient

target-type is optional for not chained includes and means all referenced resource-types:

GET /Encounter?_include=subject 
=> GET /Encounter?_include=subject:*

For more explicit interpretation and for performance reason, client must provide target-type for chained includes!


You can include all resources referenced from the search result using *. This is considered bad practice because it's too implicit. This feature is only implemented for conformance with the FHIR specification. Please avoid using it!

_include=* could not be used as part of chained (rev)includes!

GET /Encounter?_include=*


Syntax for revinclude:


Interpretation**:** include all source-type resources, which refer target-type resources by search-param in the result set.

:logical modifier

If you provide :logical modifier, Aidbox will include logically referenced resources as well. Logical reference means reference with attribute type set to resource-type and identifier attribute set to one of identifier of referenced resource. Example:

GET /Encounter?_include:logical=patient
GET /Encounter?_with=patient:logical
GET /Patient?_revinclude:logical=Encounter:patient:Patient
GET /Patient?_with=Encounter.patient:logical

Chained (rev)includes

Client can chain (rev)includes to load next level of references. (Rev)includes should go in a proper loading order. According to the FHIR specification, for chained includes a client must specify the :iterate modifier. However, in Aidbox this modifier is optional (it's better to skip it).

GET /RequestGroup?_include=encounter\

Client must always specify target-type and source-type for intermediate (rev)includes because this is explicit and allows Aidbox to prepare dependency graph before query!

To save some keystrokes, you can group _(rev)include params of the same level as a comma separated list:

GET /RequestGroup?_include=encounter,patient:Patient,author:PractitionerRole

Here is the discussion in the FHIR chat about the :iterate ambiguity. We appreciate your opinion!

Recursive (rev)includes

For self-referencing resources, you can specify the :recurse or :iterate modifier with source-type=target-type to recursively get all children or parents:

GET /Observation?_include:recurse=has-member
GET /Observation?_include:iterate=Observation:has-member:Observation
# get all children
GET /Organization?_revinclude:recurse=Organization:partof
# get all children
GET /Organization?_revinclude:iterate=Organization:partof:Organization
# get all parents
GET /Organization?_include:recurse=partof
# get all parents
GET /Organization?_include:iterate=Organization:partof:Organization

Using the _with parameter

FHIR (rev)include syntax is non-DRY and sometimes confusing. We introduced the _with parameter that is a simple (like GraphQL) DSL to describe includes in a more compact way.

expr = param-expr (space param-expr)*
param-expr = param  ( '{' typed-ref-expr (space typed-ref-expr)* '}')?
typed-ref-expr = resource-type | resource-type '{' expr '}'
param = resource-type '.' param-name  (':recur' | ':logical') ? | param-name (':recur' | ':logical') ?
space = ',' | ' ' | '\n'
param-name = ALPAHNUM


=> Encounter?_include=Encounter:patient
=> Encounter?_include=Encounter:patient,Encounter:participant
=> Encounter?_include=Encounter:patient:Patient
=> Encounter?_include=Encounter:patient:Patient&
=> Encounter?_include=Encounter:patient:Patient&
=> Patient?_include=Patient:organization&
 => Organization?_include:recurse=partof:Organization

(rev)include and _elements

You can use the extended elements parameter to control elements of (rev)included resources by prefixing desired elements with the resource type:

GET /Encounter?_include=patient&_elements=id,status,Patient.name,Patient.birthDate

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