Configure Aidbox and Multibox
Aidbox is a full-featured single instance of the Aidbox FHIR server. If you are interested in multi-tenant Aidbox, consider using Multibox distribution.
All distributions can be used both on healthsamurai/aidboxdb PostgreSQL distribution or managed PostgreSQLs. Basic Aidbox installation consists of two components: the backend and the database. Both are released as docker images and can be pulled from HealthSamurai docker hub. For each type of Aidbox license an individual backend image is available — either Aidbox or Multibox.
The database image is the custom build of the open source PostgreSQL database. It contains a number of extensions that are primarily used for search performance optimization. aidboxdb
officially supports the latest minor releases of all major PostgreSQL versions starting from 11. Note that the database image is the same for all Aidbox backend license types.
Refer to the following pages for the specific image description and the list of available configuration options.
AidboxDBEnvironment variablesZen ConfigurationCheck out the tutorials if you are looking for a step-by-step guide on how to setup and run an image of your choice.
Run Aidbox in Aidbox SandboxRun Aidbox locally with DockerIf you are looking for the latest versions of the docker images or general release cycle explanation go to the Versioning page.
VersioningLast updated
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