Inside the Aidbox Console a number of panels are provided to monitor the state of Workflows, Tasks, and Services:
Task UI
Task UI list displays the list of tasks in the system.
Task detailed view allows you to check the results, params, log of task instance transitions through statuses, and cancel tasks manually.
Workflow UI
The workflow list displays all started workflows in the system.
The workflow details view allows you to check the results and parameters of the selected workflow instance and all activities launched by it.
From the Activity tab, you can review all tasks and workflows launched by the selected workflow. You can also click the activity definition to go to the Task or Workflow UI.
Scheduler UI
Scheduler rule list displays the list of all rules defined in Aidbox Project.
The detailed rule view displays the definition of the selected rule and other information about its execution.
From the Activity tab, you can review all tasks and workflows launched by the rule. You can also click the activity definition to go to the Task or Workflow UI.
Last updated