FHIR Schema

FHIR Schema is a format designed to simplify the implementation and validation of FHIR resources. It is heavily inspired by the design of JSON Schema and introduces a more developer-friendly representation of FHIR StructureDefinitions.

Key features of FHIR Schema include:

  • Simplified Structure FHIR Schema represents FHIR resources and their elements in a more straightforward and intuitive manner compared to FHIR StructureDefinition. Each element is represented as a property of the resource with its type specified directly. This representation is similar to how data structures are typically defined in programming languages.

  • Nested Elements FHIR Schema provides a clear and simple way to represent and validate nested elements in FHIR resources. This is a key requirement for many healthcare data use cases.

  • First-class Arrays Identify and label arrays. Most non-XML implementations distinguish between arrays and singular elements, so it's beneficial to precalculate this distinction.

  • Clear Implementation Semantics FHIR Schema offers clear semantics for implementing FHIR validation rules. This clarity can make it easier for developers to create robust and reliable FHIR implementations.

  • Source of metadata This is essential for FHIRPath, CQL, and code-generation.

In summary, FHIR Schema is a format that aims to make FHIR more accessible and easier to work with for developers, potentially leading to improved interoperability of healthcare systems.

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